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Agrawal, A and Sahu, K K (2004) Adsorption kinetics for the removal of Co(II) and Zn(II) from wastewater by indion BSR - a chelating ion-exchange resin. Adsorption Science & Technology , 22 (2). pp. 107-118.

Agrawal, A and Sahu, K K and Pandey, B D (2004) A Comparative adsorption study of copper on various industrial solid wastes. AIChE Journal, 50 (10). pp. 2430-2438.

Agrawal, A and Sahu, K K and Pandey, B D (2004) Recent trends and current practices for secondary processing of zinc and lead. Part I: lead recovery from secondary sources. Waste Management & Research, 22 (4). pp. 240-247.

Agrawal, A and Sahu, K K and Pandey, B D (2004) Removal of zinc from aqueous solutions using sea nodule residue. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 237 (1-3). pp. 133-140.

Agrawal, A and Sahu, K K and Pandey, B D (2004) Separation and removal of cobalt and zinc from chloride solution by Indion BSR - A chelating resin. Separation Science and Technology, 39 (10). pp. 2373-2388.

Agrawal, A and Sahu, K K and Pandey, B D (2004) Solid waste management in non-ferrous industries in India. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 42 (2). pp. 99-120.


Babu, M Nani and Sahu, K K and Pandey, B D and Mankhand, T R (2004) Kinetics of leaching of zinc from sphalerite concentrate with sodium persulphate. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly , 43 (3). pp. 321-328.

Bahadur, Aruna and Ravi Kumar, B and Kumar, A Seshu and Sarkar, G G and Rao, J S (2004) Development and comparison of residual stress measurement on welds by various methods. Materials Science and Technology, 20 (2). pp. 261-269.

Baldevraj, and Mudali, U Kamachi and Jayakumar, T (2004) R&D Challenges in the Technology of Fast Breeder Reactors for Energy Security in the Country. The excerpts of the lecture delivered by Dr. Baldev Raj . pp. 105-146.

Banerjee, K and Roy, Nilima and Ghosh, R N and Chatterjee, U S (2004) Strain rate dependence of plastic flow behaviour of HSLA-100 steel in seawater during cathodic charging of hydrogen. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 57 (6). pp. 611-616.

Banerjee, S K (2004) Order and Disorder in Alloys. In: The excerpt of the lecture delivered by D.S. Banerjee, 01/05/2003, Jamshedpur.

Bhagat, A N and Pabi, S K and Ranganathan, S and Mohanty, O N (2004) Aging behaviour in copper bearing high strength low alloy steels. ISIJ International, 44 (1). pp. 115-122.

Bhagat , A N and Pabi, S K and Ranganathan, S and Mohanty, O N (2004) Prediction of Solubility of Carbonitrides in High Strength Low Alloy Steel. In: Second International Conference on advance structural Steels (ICASS-2004), 2004, China.

Bhaskar Raju, G and Prabhakar, S and Rao, S Subba (2004) Studies on the Beneficiation of Barite. In: International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology (MPT - 2004), February 19-21, 2004, Regional Research Laboratory(CSIR) Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

Bhaskar Raju, G and Prabhakar, S and Subba Rao, S (2004) Development of indigenous column flotation technology at NML for the beneficiation of low-grade ores. Metals Materials and Processes, 16 (2-3). pp. 143-156.

Bhattacharjee, S and Kar, S and Chakravarty, S (2004) Mineral compositions of Datura: A traditional tropical medicinal plant. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 35 (7-8). pp. 937-946.

Bhattacharryya, K K and Sil, S K and Chattoraj, U S and Maulik, S C (2004) An Approach to Beneficiation of Apatite Ore of Purulia. In: International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology (MPT -2004), February 19-21, 2004, Regional Research Laboratory(CSIR) Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

Bhattacharya, S and Dey, Shobhana and Ahmad, Zahid (2004) Frother Dependency in Coal Flotation. In: International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology (MPT-2004), February 19-21, 2004, Regional Research Laboratory(CSIR) Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

Bhattamishra, A K and Basu, D K and De, P K and Narang, S K (2004) Corrosion behaviour of carbon steels and aluminium alloys in different media - A comparative study. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 46 (1). pp. 51-59.

Biswas, P K and Godiwalla, K M and Dev, S C (2004) Physical modelling of particle distribution for stir cast metal matrix composite using sand-water and sand - aqueous CaCl2 slurry system. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 46 (2). pp. 67-93.

Bose, S C and Singh, K and Swaminathan, J and Sarma, D S (2004) Prediction of creep life of X10CrMoVNbN-91 (P-91) steel through short term stress relaxation test methodology. Materials Science and Technology, 20 (10). pp. 1290-1296.


Chakraborty, Dolly and Ranganathan, S and Sinha, S N (2004) The Kinetics of Reduction of Iron in Indian Chromite Ores by Carbon. Metals Materials and Processes, 16 (2-3). pp. 199-208.

Chakraborty, Jui and Nayar, S and Singh, T B and Bhattacharyya, D and Sinha, Arvind (2004) Templated growth of mesoporous aluminum phosphate tubules using protein molecules of tobacco. Journal of Materials Science, 39 (1). pp. 285-288.

Chandrasekaran, V and Kannan, K and Natesan, M (2004) Corrosion behaviour of mild steel in phosphoric acid medium with benzotriazole. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 46 (4). pp. 253-262.

Chattaraj, Mousumi and Sinha, N K (2004) Isolation and characterization of chemical constituent from the leaves of Cestrum nocturnum. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science., 46 (4). pp. 243-245.

Chaudhary, P N and Minj, R K and Krishna, Ram and Goel, R P (2004) Selective removal of phosphorus from high carbon ferromanganese - an improved process. Metals Materials and Processes, 16 (2-3). pp. 217-226.

Chaudhary, P N and Pal, J and Singh, D P and Singh, M and Ghosh, Sukomal (2004) Dephosphorization of steelmaking slag. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 57 (5). A5.

Chaudhury, S K and Singh, A K and Sivaramakrishnan, C S and Panigrahi, S C (2004) Preparation and thermomechanical properties of stir cast Al-2Mg-11TiO2 (rutile). Bulletin of Materials Science, 27 (6). pp. 517-521.

Chaudhury, S K and Singh, A K and Sivaramakrishnan, C S and Panigrahi, S C (2004) Tensile and fracture behavior of spray formed and stir cast Al–2Mg–TiO2 composites. Materials Science and Engineering A, 374 (1-2). pp. 184-190.

Chaudhury, S K and Sivaramakrishnan, C S and Panigrahi, S C (2004) A new spray forming technique for the preparation of aluminium rutile (TiO2) ex situ particle composite. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 145 (3). pp. 385-390.

Chopra, K L (2004) Nano-Materials and Nano-Technology. In: The excerpts of the lecture delivered by Prof. K. L. Chopra, 24/01/2003, Jamshedpur.


Das, Chitrangada and Singh, N K and Mehta, K D and Pandey, B D (2004) Potential Application of a Heterotrophic Microorganism for Bioleaching of Metals from Indian Ocean Nodules. In: International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology (MPT-2004), February 19-21, 2004, Regional Research Laboratory(CSIR) Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

Das, Goutam and Ghosh, Sabita and Sahay, S K and Ranganath, V R and Vaze, K K (2004) Influence of pre-straining on mechanical properties of HSLA steel by using ball indentation technique. Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde, 95 (12). pp. 1120-1127.

Das, N N and Konar, J and Mohanta, M K and Srivastava, V C (2004) Adsorption of Cr(VI) and Se(IV) from their aqueous solutions onto Zr4+-substituted ZnAl/MgAl-layered double hydroxides: effect of Zr4+ substitution in the layer. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 270 (1). pp. 1-8.

Das, N N and Samal, Amrendra (2004) Synthesis, characterisation and rehydration behaviour of titanium(IV) containing hydrotalcite like compounds. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 72 (1-3). pp. 219-225.

Das, Samar and Ghosh, Arindam and Kundu, Sukumar and Chatterjee, S (2004) A study on structure and properties of a hot forged HSLA-80 steel. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 57 (1). pp. 25-33.

Das, Suchandan K and Godiwalla, K M (2004) Mathematical modelling of carbonisation in Metallurgical coke making process. Metals Materials And Processes, 16 (2-3). pp. 327-338.

Das, Swapan K and Joarder, A and Mitra, A (2004) Magnetic Barkhausen emissions and microstructural degradation study in 1.25 Cr–0.50 Mo steel during high temperature exposure. NDT & E International, 37 (3). pp. 243-248.

Director, NML (2004) Annual Report 2003-2004. NML, Jamshedpur. ISBN 0972-4273

Director, NML (2004) NML news. In: NML news. NML, Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, pp. 1-12. ISBN 0972-4265

Director, NML (2004) NML news. In: NML news. NML, Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, pp. 1-8. ISBN 0972-4265

Director, NML (2004) NML news. In: NML news. NML, Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, pp. 1-8. ISBN 0972-4265

Duy, P To and Lee, Z H (2004) Incluence of rare earth metals on non-metallic inclusion in 25Cr-7Ni-3Mo-0.25N duplex stainless steel. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science., 46 (3). pp. 135-146.

Duy, P To and Lee, Z H (2004) Modifying inclusion types and shapes by rare earth metals addition to low carbon steel. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science., 46 (3). pp. 147-155.


Elango, A (2004) Corrosion behaviour of diffusion coatings deposited by slurry chromising, electro plating and aluminium spraying onto mild steel panel. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science., 46 (2). pp. 123-133.

Elango, A and Periasamy, V M and Paramasiv, M (2004) Polarization of 57S aluminium used as galvanic anode in 2M NaOH. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science., 46 (4). pp. 247-252.


Ghosh, Arindam and Mishra, B and Das, Samar and Chatterjee, S (2004) An ultra low carbon Cu bearing steel: influence of thermomechanical processing and aging heat treatment on structure and properties. Materials Science and Engineering A, 374 (1-2). pp. 43-55.

Ghosh, Sabita and Sahay, S K and Das, Goutam (2004) Ball indentation technique - An important and useful method for studying the flow properties of materials. Transactions Of The Indian Institute Of Metals, 57 (1). pp. 51-60.

Ghosh, Sabita and Sahay, S K and Das, Goutam (2004) Effectiveness of ball indentation technique for evaluating mechanical properties of micro alloyed steel. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 46 (2). pp. 95-105.

Goswami, B and Ray, Ashok K and Sahay, S K (2004) Thermal barrier coating system for gas turbine application - A review. High Temperature Materials And Processes, 23 (2). pp. 73-92.

Goswami, B and Sahay, S K and Ray, Ajoy K (2004) Application of thermal barrier coatings on combustion chamber liners - A review. High Temperature Materials And Processes , 23 (3). pp. 211-236.

Gupta, Santosh K and Bhat, Shrikant A (2004) Genetic Algorithm and Multi-objective Function Optimization with the Jumping Gene(Transposon) Adaptation-A Primer. In: The excerpts of the lecture clelivered by Prof, Santosli K. Gupta, 14/07/2003, Jamshedpur.


Hait, Jhumki and Jana, R K and Sanyal, S K (2004) Mineralogical characteristics of copper electrorefining anode slime and its leached residues. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 43 (9). pp. 2079-2087.

Haldar, A and Huang, X and Leffers, T and Hansen, N and Ray, R K (2004) Grain orientation dependence of microstructures in a warm rolled IF steel. Acta Materialia, 52 (18). pp. 5405-5418.

Havelia, Sarthak and Malathi, M and Deo, Brahma (2004) Heat Transfer Analysis of Lance Skulling in Top Blown Oxygen Steelmaking converters. In: International Symposium of Research Students on Material Science and Engineering, December 20-22, 2004, Chennai, India.


Jacob, K T (2004) Fuel Cell : Efficient Power Sources of 21st Century. In: The excerpt of the lecture delivered by Prof. K. T Jacob, 28/05/2003, Jamshedpur.

NML (2004) A process for the extraction of zinc from zinc waste effluent. 1869DEL2004.

Jha, Manis K and Kumar, Vinay and Maharaj, L and Singh, R J (2004) Studies on leaching and recycling of Zinc from rayon waste sludge. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 43 (3). pp. 1284-1295.


Kanari, N and Mishra, D and Gaballah, I and Dupre, B (2004) Thermal decomposition of zinc carbonate hydroxide. Thermochimica Acta, 410 (1-2). pp. 93-100.

Khanra, A K and Pathak, L C and Mishra, Suman K and Godkhindi, M M (2004) Effect of NaCl on the synthesis of TiB2 powder by a self-propagating high-temperature synthesis technique. Materials Letters, 58 (5). pp. 733-738.

Konar, J and Gupta, K K and Chandra, N and Amritphale, S S (2004) Effect of p-nitrophenol on corrosion behaviour of white Cast iron and aluminium added white Cast iron. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 46 (3). pp. 191-196.

Kulkarni, A D and Deepa, V and Saha, Malini and Srinivasan, K (2004) Impact toughness of copper, zinc, tin, a-brass and phosphor bronze at different temperatures. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science., 46 (3). pp. 175-182.

Kumar, Anil (2004) Hot-dip zinc coatings - A comparative study: Part II. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 46 (2). pp. 115-121.

Kumar, Anil and Ravi Kumar, B and Chattoraj, I and Mukherjee, S and Basumallick, A (2004) Alteration in hydrogen absorption by and hydrogen permeation through a high-strength low-alloy steel due to plasma source ion implantation of nitrogen. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 35 (6). pp. 1123-1128.

Kumar, Manoj and Pal, J and Ghosh, S (2004) Performance of sponge iron charging in electric arc furnace. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 46 (3). pp. 197-204.

Kumar, Rakesh and Alex, T C and Jha, Manis K and Khan, Z H and Mahaptra, S P and Mishra, C R (2004) Mechanochemistry and the Bayer process of alumina production. In: LIGHT METALS 2004. TMS (The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society), pp. 31-34. ISBN 978-0-470-95294-8

Kumar, S and Das, S K and Daspoddar, P K (2004) Synthesis of mullite aggregates from fly ash: effect on thermomechanical behaviour of low cement castables. British Ceramic Transactions, 103 (4). pp. 176-180.

Kumar, Sanjay and Bandopadhyay, A and Rajnikanth, V and Alex, T C and Kumar , Rakesh (2004) Improved processing of blended slag cement through mechanical activation. Journal of Materials Science, 39 (10). pp. 3449-3452.

Kumar, Sushil and Prasad, Sanjay and Udayabhanu, G (2004) Studies on some aspects of extraction of nickel from laterite ore. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 46 (1). pp. 39-49.

Kumari, Sarita and Sahu, S K and Sharma, Vikram and Agrawal, A and Bagchi, D and Pandey, B D and Kumar, Vinay (2004) Synthesis of electrolytic copper and nickel powders from the copper bleed electrolyte of a copper smelter. In: Non Ferrous Meet - 2004, 2004.


Lagutkin, S and Achelis, L and Sheikhaliev, S and Uhlenwinkel, V and Srivastava, V C (2004) Atomization process for metal powder. Materials Science and Engineering A, 383 . pp. 1-6.


Mahato, D K and Chaudhary, R K and Bhattamishra, A K and Srivastava, S C (2004) Synthesis and characterization of some PLNZT ceramics. Journal Of Materials Science-Materials In Electronics, 15 (9). pp. 575-578.

Maity, S and Chakravarty, S and Thakur, P and Gupta, K K and Bhattacharjee, S and Roy, B C (2004) Evaluation and standardisation of a simple HG-AAS method for rapid speciation of As(III) and As(V) in some contaminated groundwater samples of West Bengal, India. Chemosphere - Global Change Science, 54 (8). pp. 1199-1206.

Majumdar, J Dutta and Nath, A K and Ravi Kumar, B and Manna, I (2004) Studies on residual stress developed in laser surface irradiated 0.6% carbon steel. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 14 (3-4). pp. 133-151.

Mandal, R K and Pramanick, A K and Sastry, G V S and Lele, S (2004) Unique Indexing Scheme of Decagonal Phases based on a six Dimensional Model. Materials Resources Society Symposium Proceedings, 805 . LL1.6.1-LL1.6.10.

Mandal, Sudipta and Rao, Venkatesh and Ray, Ajoy K (2004) Characterization of the brazed joint interface between Al2O3 and (Ag-Cu-Ti). Journal of Materials Science, 39 (16-17). pp. 5587-5590.

Mandal, Sudipta and Ray, Ashok K and Ray, Ajoy K (2004) Correlation between the mechanical properties and the microstructural behaviour of Al2O3–(Ag–Cu–Ti) brazed joints. Materials Science and Engineering A, 383 (2). pp. 235-244.

Manivel, P and Venkatachari, G (2004) The influence of H+ and Cl- ions on the effect of corrosion inhibition of iron by p-substituted anilines. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science., 46 (3). pp. 165-173.

Manivel, P and Venkatachari, G (2004) Investigation on the inhibitive effect of poly (p-aminophenol) on corrosion of iron in 1M HCL solutions. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 46 (4). pp. 263-270.

Maulik, S C and Bhattacharyya, K K (2004) A Beneficiation Scheme for Reduction of Alumina in Iron Ores from Barsua. In: International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology (MPT-2004) , February 19-21, 2004, Regional Research Laboratory(CSIR) Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

Mehrotra, S P (2004) Mathematical modelling: A wonderful tool if Judiciously used. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Mishra, D and Anand, S and Panda, R K and Das, R P (2004) Studies on characterization, microstructures and magnetic properties of nano-size barium hexa-ferrite prepared through a hydrothermalprecipitation–calcination route. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 86 . pp. 132-136.

Mishra, D and Anand, S and Panda, R K and Das, R P (2004) X-ray diffraction studies on aluminum-substituted barium hexaferrite. Materials Letters, 58 . pp. 1147-1153.

Mishra, Sanak (2004) Some thoughts on Leadership and Knowledge. In: The excerpt of the lecture delivered by Dr. Sanak Mishra, 23/09/2003, Jamshedpur.

Mishra, Suman K and Das, S and Pathak, L C (2004) Defect structures in zirconium diboride powder prepared by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. Materials Science and Engineering A, 364 (1-2). pp. 249-255.

Mishra, Suman K and Das, Swapan K and Ramachandrarao, P and Blov, D Y (2004) Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of a zirconium diboride-alumina composite: a dynamic X-ray diffraction study. Philosophical Magazine Letters Online ISSN 1362-3036, 84 (1). pp. 41-46.

Mitra, A and De, P K and Bhattacharya, D K and Srivastava, P K and Jiles, D C (2004) Ferromagnetic properties of deformation-induced martensite transformation in AISI 304 stainless steel. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 35 (2). pp. 599-605.

Mitra, A and Kim, H Y and Louzguine, D V and Nishiyama, N and Shen, B and Inoue, A (2004) Structure and magnetic properties of amorphous and nanocrystalline Fe40Co40Cu0.5Zr9Al2Si4B4.5 alloys. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 278 (3). pp. 299-305.

Mohan, B M and Ghosh, Arpita (2004) A Simplest Fuzzy PID Controller: Analytical Structure and Stability Analysis. In: IEEE INDIA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2004, 20-22 December, 2004, Kharagpur.

Mukherjee, Surojit and Raole, P M and Kumar, A and Chattoraj, I and Rao, K R M and Manna, I (2004) Studies on low-energy nitrogen plasma immersion ion implantation on austenitic stainless steel and Cu-strengthened HSLA-100 steel. Surface and Coatings Technology, 186 (1-2). pp. 282-286.

Mukhopadhyay, N K and Bhatt, Jatin and Pramanick, A K and Murty, B S and Paufler, P (2004) Synthesis of nanocrystalline/quasicrystalline Mg32(Al,Zn)49 by melt spinning and mechanical milling. Journal of Materials Science, 39 (16-17). pp. 5155-5159.

Mukhopadhyay, N K and Kurup, Vinod and Srivastava, V C and Joshi, P B and Mandal, R K (2004) High energy ball milling of a Al65Cu20Fe15 quasicrystalline alloy. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 334-335 . pp. 52-56.

Murugananthan, M and Bhaskar Raju, G and Prabhakar, S (2004) Removal of sulfide, sulfate and sulfite ions by electro coagulation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 109 (1-3). pp. 37-44.

Murugananthan, M and Bhaskar Raju, G and Prabhakar, S (2004) Separation of pollutants from tannery effluents by electro flotation. Separation and Purification Technology, 40 (1). pp. 69-75.

Murugananthan, M and Prabhakar, S and Bhaskar Raju, G (2004) Urban wastewater treatment by electroflotation. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 13 (6). pp. 519-523.

Muthuraman, B (2004) Development in Steel Research. In: The excerpts of the Lecture delivered by Shri B. Muthuraman, 26/09/2002, Jamshedpur.


Narang, S K (2004) NML's Contributions in Corrosion, Failures & Mitigation. In: National Seminar on Corrosion Failures & Mitigation, 2004, NML Jamshedpur.

Narasaiah, N (2004) Initiation and Growth of Cracks Near Fatigue Threshold in Plain Carbon Steels. PhD thesis, IIT Kharagpur.

Nayar, S and Brahma, Amrita and Barat, Bhaswati and Bhattacharyya, D (2004) UDP-Galactose 4-Epimerase from Kluyveromyces fragilis: analysis of its hysteretic behavior during catalysis. Biochemistry, 43 (31). pp. 10212-10223.

Nayar, S and Sinha, Arvind (2004) Systematic evolution of a porous hydroxyapatite–poly(vinylalcohol)–gelatin composite. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 35 (1). pp. 29-32.


Pal, J and Goswami, M C (2004) Control of silicon in hot metal. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 46 (1). pp. 23-38.

Panda, A K and Manimaran, A and Mitra, A and Basu, S (2004) AFM surface morphology and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Fe71Nb3.7Cu1Al3Mn0.8Si13.5B7 ribbons. Applied Surface Science, 235 (4). pp. 475-486.

Pathak, L C (2004) Fabrication and sintering characteristics of doctor blade YBCO-Ag tapes. Ceramics International, 30 (3). pp. 417-427.

Pathak, L C and Mishra, Suman K and Bhattacharya, D and Chopra, K L (2004) Synthesis and sintering characteristics of Y–Ba–Cu-oxide superconductors. Materials Science and Engineering B, 110 (2). pp. 119-131.

Pathak, L C and Singh, T B and Das, Swapan K (2004) Role of templating agents on the growth morphology of AIPO4. Journal of Materials Science, 39 (12). pp. 4069-4071.

Perumal, K E (2004) Metallurgical Variables Leading to Corrosion/ Cracking of Chemical Process Equipments. National Seminar on Corrosion Failures & Mitigation .

Phuong, To Duy (2004) A Study on the precipitations of rare earth metals inclusion phase in Fe-Cr-Ni-RE System. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science., 46 (4). pp. 233-242.

Prabhakar, S and Bhaskar Raju, G and Subba Rao, S and Vijaya Kumar, T V (2004) Flotation and cyanidation of a semi refractory gold ore. European Journal of Mineral Processing & Environmental Protection, 4 (1). pp. 36-42.

Pradhan, A M (2004) Role of Dream in Kui-Culture. Orissa Review, Nov . pp. 29-30.

Pramanick , A K and Mandal, R K and Sastry, G V S (2004) Structural stability of Al-Co-Cu-Ni decagonal phase. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 334-335 . pp. 234-237.

Prasad, Sanjay (2004) Reduction studies on polymetallic sea nodules. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 46 (3). pp. 157-164.


Ranganath, V R and Das, Goutam and Tarafder, S and Das, Swapan K (2004) Failure of a swing pinion shaft of a dragline. Engineering Failure Analysis, 11 (1). pp. 599-604.

Ranganathan, S (2004) Control of charge distribution to optimise metal quality in the production of ferro alloys. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 46 (1). pp. 61-65.

Ranganathan, S (2004) Pre-Reduction of Chromite Ores. In: Proceeding of International Seminar on 1st Ferro Alloys India, 8-10 Feb 2004, Hyderabad, India.

Rao, Addanki S and Gupta, K K and Sircar, J K and Srivastava, S C (2004) A rapid flame atomic absorption spectroscopic procedure for determination of lead in aluminium base alloys. Indian Journal Of Chemical Technology , 11 (4). pp. 475-478.

Rao, D S and Srikanth, S (2004) Failure of an idle air control valve in a gasoline-fuelled automobile. Engineering Failure Analysis, 11 (3). 313-322 .

Rao, V V (2004) An electrolytic method for studying the microstructure and grain size of Al-1.25 % Mn alloy. Indian Journal Of Engineering And Materials Sciences , 11 (3). pp. 224-226.

Rao, V Venkateswara (2004) An electrolytic method for studying the microstructure and grain size of Al-1.25% Mn alloy. Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences, 11 (3). pp. 224-226.

Rao , D S and Vijaya Kumar, T V and Subba Rao, S and Bhaskar Raju, G and Prabhakar, S (2004) Heavy mineral distribution in the beach sands of North coastal Andhra Pradesh and South coastal Tamilnadu. SGAT Bulletin, 5 (2). pp. 1-9.

Ravi Kumar, B and Singh, A K and Das, Samar and Bhattacharya, D K (2004) Cold rolling texture in AISI 304 stainless steel. Materials Science and Engineering A, 364 (1-2). pp. 132-139.

Ravichandran, K and Sankara Narayanan, T S N (2004) Corrosion of brass in cooling water systems - Role of Mannich base derivatives. Corrosion Reviews , 22 (1). pp. 71-84.

Ray, A K and Tarafder, S and Das, D K and Venkatraman, B and Roy, P K and Goswami, B and Tiwari, Y N and Palit Sagar, S and Ranganath, V R and Das, Goutam and Chaudhuri, S and Ghosh, R N (2004) Damage resistance of thermal barrier coated superalloy in combustion chamber liner. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 46 (4). pp. 205-212.

Ray, Ashok K and Das, Goutam and Ranganath, V R and Goswami, B and Ghosh, R N (2004) Failure of connecting pins of a compressor disc in an aero engine. Engineering Failure Analysis, 11 (4). pp. 613-617.

Ray, Ashok K and Das, Swapan K and Mondal, S and Ramachandrarao, P (2004) Microstructural characterization of bamboo. Journal of Materials Science, 39 (3). pp. 1055-1060.

Ray, Ashok K and Goswami, B (2004) Applications of thermal barrier coating system in gas turbines - A review. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 46 (1). pp. 1-22.

Ray, Ashok K and Tiwari, Y N and Khan, A J and Roy, P K and Das, Goutam and Singh, Raghubir (2004) Health assessment of radiant heater tube. High Temperature Materials and Processes , 24 (1). pp. 35-45.

Rodriguez, Placid (2004) Non-Destructive Evaluation: Science and Technology. In: The excerpts of the lecture delivered by Dr. Placid Rodriguez, 26/11/2002, Jamshedpur.

Roy, Nilima and Godiwalla, K M and Dwarakadasa, E S and Ray, Ashok K (2004) Elasto-plastic deformation in thermal barrier coated superalloys. Scripta Materialia, 51 (7). pp. 739-743.

Rudrakshi, G B and Srivastava, V C and Pathak, J P and Ojha, S N (2004) Spray forming of Al–Si–Pb alloys and their wear characteristics. Materials Science and Engineering A, 383 . pp. 30-38.


Sahay, S K and Singh, S K and Goswami, B and Ray, Ashok K (2004) Creep behaviour in Ti-based alloys. High Temperature Materials and Processes, 24 (5). pp. 323-336.

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