Synthesis of mullite aggregates from fly ash: effect on thermomechanical behaviour of low cement castables

Kumar, S and Das, S K and Daspoddar, P K (2004) Synthesis of mullite aggregates from fly ash: effect on thermomechanical behaviour of low cement castables. British Ceramic Transactions, 103 (4). pp. 176-180.



Refractory aggregates were synthesised from beneficiated fly ash by reaction sintering with calcined alumina at 1600°C, and 83% mullite yield was achieved. The aggregates had low porosity, low thermal expansion and good refractoriness. To study compatibility in castable refractories, the aggregates were used in high alumina cement based low cement castables and their thermomechanical behaviour was studied. Microstructural characterisation revealed that the emergence of new bond phases such as mullite and calcium hexa-aluminate had a beneficial effect on the hot modulus of rupture and creep resistance of castables. An attempt was made to establish a structure-property relationship.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://10.1179/096797804225018651
Uncontrolled Keywords:Microstructure; Scanning electron microscopy; Thermomechanical properties; Reaction sintering; Alumina; Thermal power plant; Waste reuse; Fly ash; Raw materials; Aluminium silicate; Aggregate; Mullite; Precursor
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:1198
Deposited By:Dr. A K Sahu
Deposited On:02 Jul 2010 12:09
Last Modified:03 Jan 2012 12:41
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