R&D Challenges in the Technology of Fast Breeder Reactors for Energy Security in the Country

Baldevraj, and Mudali, U Kamachi and Jayakumar, T (2004) R&D Challenges in the Technology of Fast Breeder Reactors for Energy Security in the Country. The excerpts of the lecture delivered by Dr. Baldev Raj . pp. 105-146.

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Growing energy demands for domestic and industrial sectors have paved the way for exploring both conventional and nonconventional energyresources. Among the various energy resources, nuclear energy is the foremost and secure, and the second half of the 20th century has received about 17% of the power generation from nuclear power plants, almost equaling to hydro power'. Some 440 nuclear power plants are operating worldwide with more than 8000 power reactor-years of experience. Rising oil prices, conservation of energy resources, environmental degradation with CO, released from fossil fuels, ate some key points making the world to focus on nuclear energy as reliable and sust-ainable source of energy. At the end of the 20th century, the installed nuclear power capacity is expected to be about 350 to 360 GW (e)contribruting to about 16% of total power generation'. Nuclear power has achieved Maturity, however, 90% of the total operating nuclear power is accounted from the industrialized countries.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://nmlindia.org
Uncontrolled Keywords:Fast Breeder Reactors; Nuclear Energy
Divisions:Director Office
ID Code:2976
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:06 Jun 2011 14:32
Last Modified:13 Dec 2011 16:10
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