Role of Dream in Kui-Culture

Pradhan, A M (2004) Role of Dream in Kui-Culture. Orissa Review, Nov . pp. 29-30.



The dream is a state of mind while asleep. It is a reflection of one's thought, imagination and intuition. Everybody, even a blind can have dreams. Dreams have influenced the lives of people since the beginning across civilisations in myriad ways. It is now part of the legend that Queen Mayadevi of King Sudhodan had a dream that an elephant is entering her body. To explain the dream the wise men of the royal court were consulted. The opinion was the queen would beget a son who has qualities of a superman, who can become a "chakravarti" or an ascetic. The Child became the Buddha, the enlightened one. Similarly, the Queen of Julius Caesar had a dram that the statue of Caesar in the market place is bleeding and she apprehended a danger to the life of her husband. It was for the dream; she pleaded Caesar not to go to the party by his friends in which Caesar was ultimately stabbed to death. In both the instances, the dreams were indicative of the coming events.

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Uncontrolled Keywords:Dream, Kui-Culture
Divisions:Administration Section
ID Code:6673
Deposited By:Dr. A K Sahu
Deposited On:20 Jul 2013 15:03
Last Modified:20 Jul 2013 15:03
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