Uploading Instructions

Only CSIR-NML scientists, researchers and students can upoad documents in the respository

To upload: Create User Account

Fill up the form properly and submit.

Eprints@NML will send an email to the given address for validation.
Open your mail account and activate the password

Login your account.

Click on "New Item". Choose the type of the document that you are going to upload
Upload your document, fill up the bibilographic details, abstract and keywords

Choose the relevant subject(s). Accept the agreement and upload.

NOTE: All Red-Star fields are mandatory fields

Author Format:[Example]"Panda, G K" (Avoid "all caps", "dots")

Title Format: [Example]"Study on Biosurfactants...." (Avoid "all caps")

Contact Emai: your valid email address

Related Url: Give your personal/Official webpage link and choose "author" from the listbox.

Keywords: [Example]fluidizaion;liquid solid; [use semi-colon';' as the seperator for keywords]

Contact Information

Any problem in uploding please contact: eprints@nml.in.