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Abhilash, and Kumari, Neha and Pandey, B D (2012) Isolation of native extremophiles from indian bauxite and red mud for mineral beneficiation. In: XXVI International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC) 2012 Proceedings, September, 2012, New Delhi.

Abhilash, and Mehta, K D and Pandey, B D (2012) Efficacy of Bacterial Adaptation on Copper Biodissolution from a Low Grade Chalcopyrite Ore by A. ferrooxidans. International Journal of Nonferrous Metallurgy, 1 (1). pp. 1-7.

Abhilash, and Nair, D G and Hansdah, Kirtal and Dhal, B and Mehta, K D and Pandey, B D (2012) Bioremoval of Chromium (III) from Model Tanning Effluent by Novel Microbial Isolate. International Journal of Metallurgical Engineering, 1 (2). pp. 12-16.

Abhilash, and Pal , SC and Mehta, K D and Pandey, B D and Mankhand, T R (2012) Bioprocessing of a Low-grade Chalcopyrite Ore by the Isolate of Acidithiobacillus Ferrooxidans. International Journal of Metallurgical Engineering, 1(5) . pp. 72-77.

Abhilash, and Pandey, B D (2012) Biohydrometallurgical Processing of Indian Uranium Ores. PhD thesis, Jadavpur University.

Abhilash, and Pandey, B D (2012) Synthesis of zinc-based nanomaterials: a biological perspective. IET-Nanobiotechnology, 6 (4). pp. 144-148.

Abhilash, and Pandey, B D and Ray, Lalithagauri (2012) Bioleaching of apatite rich low grade Indian uranium ore. Canadian Metallurgical Quaterly, 51 (4). pp. 390-402.

Abhilash, and Pandey, B D and Singh, A K (2012) Bioreactor Leaching of Uranium from a Low Grade Indian Ore. In: 16th International Conference on Non-Ferrous Metals-2012, July 13-14, 2012, Hotel Le Meridien, New Delhi.

Agarwal, Sanjay and Ghorai, S and Pal, J and Ghosh, Dinabandhu (2012) Direct sintering of chromite ore fines for ferrochrome production in submerge arc furnace. In: NMD-ATM 2012, 16-19th November, 2012, Jamshedpur.

Agarwal, Sanjay and Sahu, K K and Godiwalla, K M and Jana, R K (2012) Manganese distribution between alloy & slag phases in making Fe-Si-Mn alloy from polymetallic sea nodules. In: XXVI International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC) 2012 Proceedings, September, 2012, New Delhi.

Agrawal, A and Kumari, S and Parveen, M and Sahu, K K (2012) Exploitation of Copper Bleed Stream for the Extraction and Recovery of Copper and Nickel by Bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)phosphinic Acid. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review: An International Journal, 33 (5). pp. 339-351.

Agrawal, Vishnu and Pal, Jagannath (2012) Effect of Carbon in Iron Ore Pellets. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Alam, Tanweer and Murugesan, A P and Srivastava, V C (2012) Studies on Aluminium alloy conductors for transmission lines. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Alex, T C and Kumar, Rakesh and Roy, S K and Mehrotra, S P (2012) Mechanical Activation of Al-Oxyhydroxide Minerals – Physicochemical Changes, Reactivity and Relevance to Bayer Process. In: LIGHT METALS 2012. TMS (The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society), pp. 15-19. ISBN 978-1-11829-139-9

Ali, F and Scudino, S and Liu, G and Srivastava, V C and Mukhopadhyay, N K and Khoshkhoo, M S and Prashanth, K G and Uhlenwinkel, V and Calin, M and Eckert, J (2012) Modeling the strengthening effect of Al–Cu–Fe quasicrystalline particles in Al-based metal matrix composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 536S . S130-S133.

Aman, Noor and Satapathy, P K and Mishra, T and Mahato, M and Das, N N (2012) Synthesis and photocatalytic activity of mesoporous cerium doped TiO2 as visible light sensitive photocatalyst. Material Research Bulletin, 47 . pp. 179-183.

Ananda Kumar, S and Sundara Raman, S Ganesh and Sankara Narayanan, T S N and Gnanamoorthy, R (2012) Fretting wear behaviour of surface mechanical attrition treated alloy 718. Surface and Coatings Technology, 206 . pp. 4425-4432.

Arthanareeswari, M and Sankara Narayanan, T S N and Kamaraj, P and Tamilselvi, M (2012) Polarization and impedance studies on zinc phosphate coating developed using galvanic coupling. Journal of coatings technology and research, 9 (1). pp. 39-46.

Ashish, Rajat and Mukherjee, Tamajit and Kumar, Sanjay (2012) Development of Fly Ash Bricks through different Technologies and a Comparative Study of their Compressive Strength. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)


Bag, Amrita and Chattoraj, I (2012) Study of the Effect of Varying R-ratio on the fatigue crack growth rate behaviour of pressure vessel steels. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Balusamy, T and Jamesh, M and Satendra, Kumar and Sankara Narayanan, T S N (2012) Corrosion resistant Ti alloy for sulphuric acid medium: Suitability of Ti–Mo alloys. Materials and Corrosion, 62 (1.173 (SCI)). pp. 803-806.

Banerjee, Arunima and Sivaprasad, S (2012) Fracture and Deformation Behaviour of Materials. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Bansal, A and Sinha, Arvind (2012) Dehydration driven changes in the structure and mechanical behavior of electrospun poly (vinyl alcohol) nanofibers. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 32 (3). pp. 587-593.

Basavaraja, C and Prasad, R and Shankara, B S and Shashidhar, (2012) Studies on surface morphology and thermal stability of polypyrrole-poly (e-caprolactone) polymer composites. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 54(3) . pp. 187-195.

Behera, R K and Rout, K and Nayak, B and Das, N N (2012) Removal of Selenium and Arsenic Oxyanions using Natural Goethite-Rich Iron Ore from Daitari, Orissa, India: Effect of Heat Treatment. Adsorption Science & Technology, 30(10) (IF-0.559). pp. 867-880.

Behera, R K and Swain, S K and Sen, S and Mishra, S C (2012) Property prediction of ductile iron : Artificial neural network approach. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science,, 54(3) . pp. 197-202.

Bera, S and Ghosh Chowdhury, S and Lojkowsky, W and Manna, I (2012) Synthesis of CuCr and CuCrAg alloys with extended solid solubility with nano-Al2O3 dispersion by mechanical alloying and consolidation by high pressure sintering. Materials Science and Engineering : A, 558 (IF-2.003). pp. 298-308.

Berlia, Rohit and Ghosh Chowdhury, S (2012) Mechanical behaviour of TWIP steels:effect of grain size and composition. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Bhadraiah, B Veera and Goswami, M C (2012) Characterization of Pellets made of Iron Fines from Noamundi Mines. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Bhagat, R P and Vidyadhar, A and Rao, K V and Rath, R K and Vijaya Kumar, T V and Kumar, Vinod and Kumari, Neha (2012) Physico-chemical studies on the oxide mineral systems in the presence of surfactants and polymers for beneficiation of iron ores. Grant in Aid (GAP). CSIR-NML, Jamshdpur. (Submitted)

Bhagat, Raju and Mandal, Durbadal (2012) Study Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cast Al-Mg and Al-Mg-Zn alloy. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Bhaskar Raju, G and Hanumantha Rao, K and Forsling, Willis (2012) Role of dextrin in the selective flotation of fluorite. SGAT Bulletin, 13 (1) . pp. 37-46.

Bhattacharjee, PP and Tsuji, N (2012) Development of Cube Texture in Pure Ni Following Ultrahigh by Accumaulative Roll Bonding and Annealing. Materials Science Forum, 715-716 . 521- .

Bhattacharya, S and Jenamoni, K and Nayar, S (2012) Stability of biomimetic ferrofluids established by a systematic study using microwave irradiation at defined wattages. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 324 (20). pp. 3261-3266.


Chauhan, G Pratap Singh and Mandal, R K and Pramanick, A K (2012) Alloy Synthesis and Material Characterization of Zr-Ti-Nb based Alloys. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Submitted)

Chauhan, Gyanendra Pratap Singh (2012) Alloy synthesis and material characterization of Zr-Ti-Nb based alloys. Masters thesis, CSIR-NML .

Choudhury, Deepak and Mittal, Kapil (2012) A metallurgical investigation of microstructure of the weld bead in submerged arc welding. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 54(4) . pp. 311-320.


Dadhich S, Devesh and Sahu, Ranjan K (2012) Study of Photocatalytic degradation of Congo red pollutants using microwave derived SrFe12O19. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Dadhich S, Devesh and Sahu, Ranjan K (2012) Study of Transition Element doped Oxide based Permanent Magnets. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Das, Arpan (2012) Phase transformation during tensile and low cycle fatigue deformation of AISI 304LN stainless steel. PhD thesis, Jadavpur University.

Das, Arpan and Sivaprasad, S and Das, Swapan K and Tarafder, Mita and Tarafder, S (2012) Analysis of damage in high strength steels. In: 6th International Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interactions (CF-6), 22-25 Jan 2012, Mamallapuram, India.

Das, C R and Albert, S K and Swaminathan, J and Bhaduri, A K and Raj, B and Murty, B S (2012) Improvement in creep resistance Of modified 9Cr-1Mo steel weldment By boron addition. WELDING IN THE WORLD, 56 (07-08). pp. 10-17.

Das, C R and Albert, S K and Swaminathan, J and Raju, S and Bhaduri, A K and Murty, B S (2012) Transition of Crack from Type IV to Type II Resulting from Improved Utilization of Boron in the Modified 9Cr-1Mo Steel Weldment. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 43A . pp. 3724-3741.

Das, Mousumi and Das, Goutam and Ghosh, M and Wegner, Matthias and Rajnikanth, V and Ghosh Chowdhury, S and Pal, T K (2012) Microstructures and mechanical properties of HPT processed 6063 Al alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A, 558 (IF-2.108). pp. 525-532.

Das, Mousumi and Pal, T K and Das, Goutam (2012) Effect of aging and cryo rolling on microstructural chara-cterization and mechanical properties of precipitation hardenable 6063Al alloy. Material Science & Engineering, 552 (30). pp. 31-35.

Das, Mousumi and Pal, T K and Das, Goutam (2012) Use of Portable Automated Ball Indentation System to Evaluate Mechanical Properties of Steel Pipes. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 65 (2). pp. 197-203.

Das, Suchandan K (2012) Mathematical model to predict effects of fly ash hardness and angularity on erosion response of typical boiler grade steels. Tribology, 6 (2). pp. 84-92.

Das, Swapan K and Ghosh, R N and Sondhi, S K (2012) Prediction of carbide free layer formation in Fe-Ni Cr austentic steel process heater tube. Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology, 47 (2). pp. 121-124.

Das, T K and Banerji, Pallab and Mandal, S K (2012) An embedded magnetic field sensing device utilizing giant magnetoimpedance (GMI) effect. In: 2012 Sixth International Conference on Sensing Technology, December 18 - 21, 2013, Kolkata.

Das, Tuhin and Ghosh Chowdhury, S (2012) Micro Structural Characterization of Tensile Deformed TWIP Steel. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Dey, K C and Sharma, V and Goswami, B (2012) Polyoxometalates : From green compounds to smart materials. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 54(2) . pp. 119-124.

Dey, Ramendra Sundar and Hajra, Saumen and Sahu, Ranjan K and Raj, C Retna and Panigrahi, M K (2012) A rapid room temperature chemical route for the synthesis of graphene: metal-mediated reduction of graphene oxide. Chemical Communications, 48 (12). pp. 1787-1789.

Dey, Shobhana (2012) Enhancement in hydrophobicity of low rank coal by surfactants - A critical overview. Fuel Processing Technology, 94 (1). pp. 151-158.

Dey, Shobhana and Pani, S (2012) Effective Processing of Low-Volatile Medium Coking Coal Fines of Indian Origin using Different Proces Variables of Flotation. International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, 32(6) . pp. 253-263.

Dey, Shobhana and Pani, S and Das, Avimanyu (2012) Scanvenging of High-Value Product from High-Ash Medium Coking Coal: A Compulsion for Less Endowed Regions. International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, 32(5) (0.289). pp. 238-251.

Dey, Shobhana and Pani, Santosh and Das, Avimanyu (2012) Split flotation of LVMC coal to generate multiple products for complete utilization. In: International Mineral Processing Congress,2012, 24-28 Sept 2012, New Delhi.

Dey, Shobhana and Pani, Santosh and Mohanta, M K and Singh, Ratnakar (2012) Utilization of Iron Ore Slimes: A Future Prospective. Separation Science and Technology, 47 (5). pp. 769-776.

Dey, Shobhana and Parolis, L A S and Yorath, G (2012) Quantification of Sulphydryl Collector-Mixture Used in Sulphide Ore Flotation. Transaction of the Indian Institute of Metals, 65 (4). pp. 387-392.

Dey, Sujit Kumar and Vidyadhar, A and Das, Avimanyu (2012) Processing of electronic waste in a counter current teeter-bed separator. Journal of Environmental Management, 107 (IF-3.188). pp. 45-51.

Dey, U K (2012) Fracture Behaviour of Dissimilar Metal Weld Materials 304 LNSS & SA508 Cl. 3 Steel in Nuclear Piping. Masters thesis, NIT, Jamshedpur.

Dhal, B and Das, N N and Thatoi, Hruayanath and Pandey, B D (2012) Bacterial Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium from Contaminated Overburden Soil. International Journal of Metallurgical Engineering, 1(5) . pp. 83-87.

Director, NML (2012) Annual Report 2011-2012. CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur. ISBN 0972-4273

Director, NML (2012) CSIR-NML Exhibition Materials. [Show/Exhibition]

Director, NML (2012) Director's Desk - 61st RC Meeting of CSIR-NML (English Version). CSIR -National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur.

Director, NML (2012) Director's Desk - 62nd RC Meeting of CSIR-NML (English Version). CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur.

Dutta, Anupama and Sivaprasad, S (2012) Study of Mechanical Behaviour of Materials. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Submitted)

Dutta, S and Das, Arpan and Barat, K and Roy, Himadri (2012) Automatic characterization of fracture surfaces of AISI 304LN stainless steel using image texture analysis. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 45 (5). pp. 1140-1150.

Dwivedi, Deepak and Prajapati, Sonu and Jana, R K (2012) Studies on Adsorption of Nickel on Polymetallic Sea Nodule Residue. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Submitted)


Ebrahimifar, Hadi and Zandrahimi, Morteza (2012) Decrease of electrical conductivity activation energy of Co-coated AISI 430 alloy. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 54(2) . pp. 143-148.

Ebrahimifar, Hadi and Zandrahimi, Morteza (2012) The effect of Cr2O3 scale on electrical conductivity of Cobalt-spinel-coated ferritic stainless steel. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science,, 54(3) . pp. 219-224.

Ebrahimifar, Hadi and Zandrahimi, Morteza (2012) Evaluation of electrical conductivity activation energy of manganese coated Fe-17%Cr ferritic stainless steel. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 54(1) . pp. 87-92.

El-Amoush, Amjad Saleh (2012) Effect of hydrogen charging conditions on the hardness of tin brass heat exchanger tube. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 54(1) . pp. 53-62.


Ganguly, Koustav (2012) Combustion synthesis of Silver (Ag) modified Strontium hexaferrite (SrFe12O19) nanoparticles for magnetic photocatalysis applications. Masters thesis, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.

Garai, Subhadra and Jaisankar, Parasuraman and Singh, J K and Elango, Adirajan (2012) A comprehensive study on crude methanolic extract of Artemisia pallens (Asteraceae) and its active component as effective corrosion inhibitors of mild steel in acid solution. Corrosion Science, 60 . pp. 193-204.

CSIR-NML (2012) A non-invasive process for sorting of alumina rich iron ores. 0060NF2012.

Ghosh, Arpita and Palit Sagar, S and Das, T K and Nayak, B (2012) Development of advanced sensor-based technique for iron-ore beneficiation. Exploratory (OLP). CSIR- National Metallurgical Lab, Jamshedpur. (Submitted)

Ghosh, C and Chatterjee, S (2012) Microstructural evolution at the interface of bond coat and steel substrate during galvanization. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 54(2) . pp. 149-153.

Ghosh, M and Husain, M M and Gupta, R K (2012) Effect of Welding Parameters on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded Plain Carbon Steel. ISIJ International, 52 (3). pp. 477-482.

Ghosh, M and Kar, Abhijit and Kumar, K and Kailas, S V (2012) Structural characterisation of reaction zone for friction stir welded aluminium–stainless steel joint. Materials Technology, 27 (2). pp. 169-172.

Ghosh, M and Kumar, K and Mishra, R S (2012) Process Optimization for Friction-Stir-Welded Martensitic Steel. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 43A . pp. 1966-1975.

Ghosh, S and Sahu, Ranjan K and Raj, C Retna (2012) Pt-Pd alloy nanoparticle-decorated carbon nanotubes: a durable and methanol tolerant oxygen reduction electrocatalyst. Materials and Corrosion-Werkstoffe Und Korrosion, 23(38) .

Ghosh, Sabita and Das, Goutam (2012) Effect of pre strain on the indentation fracture toughness of high strength low alloy steel by means of continuum damage mechanics. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 79 . pp. 126-137.

Gioe, Dorian and Hendrickx, Frederik and Demuynck, Maryse and Errauw, Jean-Pierre and Kumar, Rajneesh and Maas, Fleur (2012) Staal Koud Lassen, Feit of Frictie? (Cold Steel Welding, Fact Or Fiction?). Metallerie, 4 .

Gopalakrishna, K and Sivaprasad, S and Venkateswarlu, K and Hari Kumar, K C (2012) Microstructural evolution and aging behavior of cryorolled Al-4Zn-2Mg alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A, 535 (IF-2.003). pp. 129-135.

Goswami, B and Kumar, S B and Ray, Ashok K (2012) Perspectives of recent developments in nickel base superalloys. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 54(1) . pp. 31-52.

Goswami, B and Mahato, K and Sharma, V (2012) Traditional insight of strategies in steel philosophies. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 54(1) . pp. 1-29.

Goswami, N G and Sahu, A K (2012) The open access electronic document delivery system (EDDS). In: Reform-2012, September 18, 2012, Le Meridian, New Delhi. (Unpublished)

Goudar, D M and Rudrakshi, G B and Reddy, G J and Srivastava, V C and Wagamode , J (2012) Microstructural and hardness of spray deposited Al-30Mg2Si-2Cu alloy in solutionized and aged conditions. Materials Science : An Indian Journal, 0974-7486, 8 (8). pp. 303-308.

Goyal, Sumit and Gupta, S K and Sivaprasad, S and Tarafder, S and Bhasin, V and Vaze, K K and Ghosh, A K (2012) Low cycle fatigue and cyclic plasticity bahaviour of Indian PHWR / AHWR primary piping materials. In: 6th International Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interaction (CF-6), 22-25 January 2012, Mamallapuram, India.

Greeshma, P and Alex, T C (2012) Reactivity of different size fractions of Tata power flyash in geopolymerization reaction. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Guguloth, K and Swaminathan, J and Bagui, Sumanta and Ray, Ashok K (2012) Remnant Life Assessment and Microstructural Studies on Service Exposed Primary Reformer Tubes of a Catalytic Converter of an Ammonia Plant. High Temperature Materials Proceedings, 31 . pp. 759-767.

Gujral, Amandeep and Ravi Kumar, B (2012) Deformation Induced Martensitic Transformation of 304L Austenitic Stainless Steel. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Gupta, Savita and Poddar, Palash and Sahoo, K L (2012) An investigation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Sn based alloys and composites. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Gupta, Siddhi and Goswami, Sudipta and Sinha, Arvind (2012) A combined effect of freeze--thaw cycles and polymer concentration on the structure and mechanical properties of transparent PVA gels. Biomedical Materials, 7 (1). 015006-1.


Hiteshkumar, Patel and Jyoti, Menghani (2012) Wear characteristics of unalloyed and alloyed LM25- Aluminium casting. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 54(2) . pp. 131-135.

Hore, S and Das, Suchandan K (2012) Monte Carlo Simulation of temperature dependence of grain growth kinetics in C-Mn Steel prior to hot rolling. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Symposium on Materials & Processing (ASMP 2012), 30-31, August 2012, IIT Madras, Chennai.

Hore, S and Das, Suchandan K and Banerjee, S and Mukherjee, S (2012) Monte Carlo simulation of influence of reheat temperature on austenite grain growth in C‐Mn steel. Materials Science and Technology, 28(6) (IF-0.751). pp. 711-718.

Hore, S and Das, Suchandan K and Singh, Ratnakar and Bhattacharyya, K K (2012) Efficiency Study of a Water-Only Cyclone by Experimental and Data Modeling Techniques when Cleaning Indian Coal Fines. International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, 32 (4). pp. 193-209.


Indulal, C R and Vaidyan, A V and Kumar, G Sajeev (2012) The ion exchange properties of nanosized cerium molybdo iodate and cerium phospho iodate. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 54(4) . pp. 299-302.


Jamesh, M and Satendra, Kumar and Sankara Narayanan, T S N (2012) Effect of Thermal Oxidation on Corrosion Resistance of Commercially Pure Titanium in Acid Medium. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 21 (6). pp. 900-906.

Jamesh, M and Satendra, Kumar and Sankara Narayanan, T S N (2012) Electrodeposition of hydroxyapatite coating on magnesium for biomedical applications. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, 9 (4). pp. 495-502.

Jariwala, Deep and Chandra , Kaushik and Cao, Anyuan and Saikat , Talapatra and Shima, Mutshihiro and Anuhya, D and Prasad, V V S and Ribeiro, R and Canfield, P C and Wu, D and Srivastava , Anchal and Mandal, R K and Pramanick, A K and Vajtai , Robert and Ajayan , Pulickel M and Sastry, G V S (2012) Growth of Carbon Nanotubes on Quasicrystalline Alloys. The Banaras Metallurgist, 17 . pp. 57-67.

Jha, Amrita kumari and Jha, Manis K and Kumar, Vinay and Jeong, Jinki and Lee, Jae-chun (2012) Review on e-waste recycling scenario and development of eco-friendly processes at CSIR-NML. In: NMD-ATM 2012, 16-19th November, 2012, Jamshedpur.

Jha, Manis K (2012) Status of E-waste Recycling in India and Developing Recycling Processes at CSIR-NML, India. In: Electronics Recycling Asia-2012, November 13 - 16, 2012, Guangzhou, China.

Jha, Manis K and Choubey, Pankaj K and Jha, Amrita Kumari and Kumari, Archana and Lee, Jae-chun and Kumar, Vinay and Jeong, Jinki (2012) Leaching studies for tin recovery from waste e-scrap. Waste Management, 32(10) (IF-2.428). pp. 1919-1925.

Jha, Manis K and Kumar, Vinay and Jeong, Jinki and Lee, Jae-chun (2012) Review on solvent extraction of cadmium from various solutions. Hydrometallurgy, 111-112 (IF-2.027). pp. 1-9.

Jha, Manis K and Kumari, Archana and Choubey, Pankaj K and Lee , Jae-chun and Kumar, Vinay and Jeong, Jinki (2012) Leaching of lead from solder material of waste printed circuit boards (PCBs). Hydrometallurgy, 121–124 (IF-2.027). pp. 28-34.

Joshi, Ritika Sadanand and Choubey, Pankaj K and Jha, Manis K and Kumar, Vinay and Jeong, Jinki and Lee, Jae-chun (2012) Extraction and recovery of nitric acid and copper from leach liquor of waste PCBs. In: NMD-ATM 2012, 16-19th November, 2012, Jamshedpur.

Jung, Kyung Bae (2012) Recovery of rare metals from e-waste using mechanical pre-treatment and hydrometallurgical techniques. Masters thesis, CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory.


Kailath, A J and Mandal, Soumen (2012) The effect of Sn addition on the crystallization and thermal stability of Cu–Zr–Ti metallic glasses. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 537 . pp. 275-279.

Kalinkin, A M and Kumar, Sanjay and Gurevich , B I and Alex, T C and Kalinkina, E V and Tyukavkina, W and Kalinnokov, V T and Kumar, Rakesh (2012) Geopolymerization behavior of Cu-Ni slag mechanically activated in air and in CO2 atmosphere. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 112 . pp. 101-106.

Kedia, Bipin and Panda, A K (2012) Modelling of the Electromagnetic Fluxes and Evaluation of Damage in Steels using Electromagnetic Techniques. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Khare, Priyank and Mishra, T (2012) Ultrasonic surface modification of mild steel for corrosion protection. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Krishna, K Gopala and Sivaprasad, S and Sankara Narayanan, T S N and Kumar, K C Hari (2012) Localized corrosion of an ultrafine grained Al-4Zn-2Mg alloy produced by cryorolling. Corrosion Science, 60 . pp. 82-89.

Krishna, K Gopala and Sivaprasad, S and Venkateswarlu, K and Kumar, K C Hari (2012) Microstructural evolution and aging behavior of cryorolled Al–4Zn–2Mg alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A, 535 . pp. 129-135.

Krishnaveni, K and Sankara Narayanan, T S N and Seshadri, S K (2012) Electroless Ni-B-Si3N4 composite coating: deposition and evaluation of its characteristics properties. Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 42(7) . pp. 920-927.

Kumar, Akash and Paswan, Dayanand (2012) Preparation of DRI from Waste Iron Ore and Coal fines. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Kumar, Manish and Malathi, M (2012) A Project Report on Application of Thermodynamics to Basic Oxygen Steelmaking Process. Training Report (TR). CSIR New Delhi, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Kumar, Niraj (2012) The Effect of Laser Beam Overlapping on the Hardness and Microstructure of AISI 414O Steel at different Laser Power. Masters thesis, Ranchi University.

Kumar, Piyush and Ravi Kumar, B (2012) Effect of Interrupted Annealing on Recrystallization of Heavily cold-rolled Austenatic Stainless Steel. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Kumar, Rajneesh and Singh, K and Pandey, S (2012) Process forces and heat input as function of process parameters in AA5083 friction stir welds. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 22(2) (IF-). pp. 288-298.

Kumar, Sanjay and Sahoo, D P and Nath, S K and Alex, T C and Kumar, Rakesh (2012) From Grey Waste to Green Geopolymer. Science and Culture, 78(11-12) . pp. 511-516.

Kumar, Sonam Abhilekha and Sau, D C (2012) Study on Electro-Winning of Copper Powder from the Copper Sulfate Solution. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Kumar, Sunil and Tiwari, S K (2012) Multilayer Alloy Coating on Mild Steel for Corrosion Resistance. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Kumar, Vinay and Lee, Jae-chun and Jeong, Jinki and Shin, Doyun and Jha, Manis K and Kumar, Vinod (2012) Enrichment of valuable metals from end-of-life printed circuit boards using mechanical recycling techniques. In: XXVI International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC) 2012 Proceedings, September, 2012, New Delhi.

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Kumari, Anjan and Jha, Manis K and Sahu, S K and Hait, Jhumki and Kumar, Vinay and Kumar, J Rajesh and Lee, Jin-Young (2012) TG/DTA studies of the mixture of Korean monazite and sodium carbonate to get optimum condition for phosphate decomposition. In: International Symposium on: Converting challenges into opportunities: Iron & steel, 66th Annual technical Meeting of the Indian Institute of Metals., 16-19 November, 2012, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand.

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Marinelli, María Cecilia and Giertler, Alexander and Sahu, J K and Herenu, Silvina and Alvarez-Armas, Iris and Krupp, Ulrich (2012) The Effect of Ferrite Embrittlement in Duplex Steel on Fatigue Crack Propagation from the Low (LCF) to the Very High Cycle Fatigue (VHCF) Regime. In: 19th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON FRACTURE, Fracture Mechanics for Durability, Reliability and Safety, August 26-31, 2012, Kazan, Russia.

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Meshram, Pratima and Purohit, Bijoy Kumar and Sahu, S K and Pandey, B D (2012) Chemical Beneficiation of Indian Non-Coking Coal. In: NMD-ATM 2012, 16-19th November, 2012, Jamshedpur.

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Neha, and Nayar, S (2012) Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomagnetic Hydroxy-patite using both Iron Salt Solution and Ferrofluid. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Nguyen, N V and Jeong, Jinki and Shin, Doyun and Kim, Byung-Su and Lee, Jae-chun and Pandey, B D (2012) Simultaneous Recovery of Gold and Iodine from the Waste Rinse Water of the Semiconductor Industry Using Activated Carbon. Materials Transactions, 53 (4). pp. 760-765.

Nishant, P and Kumar, Harish and Kumar, Manoj (2012) Studies on Reduction of Ammonium Paratungstate for producing the Tungsten Powder. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

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Noor, Aman (2012) Synthesis, characterisation and photocatalytic evaluation of modified titania based binary oxide materials. PhD thesis, NORTH ORISSA UNIVERSITY.


Palit Sagar, S and Miyasaka, C and Ghosh, M and Tittmann, B R (2012) NDE of friction stir welds of Al alloys using high-frequency acoustic microscopy. Non-destructive Testing and Evaluation, 27(4) (IF-0.827). pp. 375-389.

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Panda, A K and Metya, Avijit Kumar and Bar, H N and Roy, Rajat K and Murthy, G V S and Palit Sagar, S and Mitra, A (2012) Non-destructive evaluation for structural health assessment. Science and Culture .

Panda, A K and Sharan, P K and Roy, Rajat K and Murthy, G V S and Mitra, A (2012) Generation and Detection of Guided waves in a Pipe with Defect using Rapidly Quenched Magnetostrictive Ribbons. Smart Materials and Structures, 21(4) . 045015.

Panda, A K and Singh, Satnam and Roy, Rajat K and Mitra, A (2012) Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys (FSMAs) for Magneto-mechanical Applications. Science and Culture .

Panda, Rekha and Kumari, Archana and Hait, Jhumki and Sahu, S K and Jha, Manis K and Kumar, Vinay and Kumar, J Rajesh and Lee, Jin-Young (2012) Leaching of Korean monazite for the recovery of rare earth metals. In: NMD-ATM 2012, 16-19th November, 2012, Jamshedpur.

Panna, Praveen Kumar and Roy, Rajat K (2012) Study of Microstructural Behaviour of Medium Carbon Steel by Magnetic NDE Technique. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Parchur, A K and Prasad, A I and Rai, S B and Tewari, R and Sahu, Ranjan K and Okram, G S and Singh, R A and Ningthoujam, R S (2012) Observation of intermediate bands in Eu3+ doped YPO4 host: Li+ ion effect and blue to pink light emitter. AIP Advances, 2 (3). 032119-1.

Parmar, Kavita and Chongder, Durbadal and Bandyopadhyay, N R and Bhattacharjee, S (2012) Synthesis and characterization of Fe(II)-silicate precipitation tube (FeIISPT) as a heavy metal adsorbent and its comparison with Fe(III)-silicate precipitation tube (FeIIISPT). Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 54(3) . pp. 269-277.

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Phuong, To Duy and Duyen, Do Thi (2012) Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and hardness of high silicon aluminium alloys. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 54(2) . pp. 111-117.

Poddar, Palash and Das, Arpan and Sahoo, K L (2012) Effect of rare earth elements on tribological behaviour of magnesium alloys. Tribology: Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces, 6(4) . pp. 147-154.

Poddar, Palash and Sahoo, K L (2012) Microstructure and mechanical properties of conventional cast and rheocast Mg-Sn based alloys. Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 556 (IF-2.003). pp. 891-905.

Poddar, Palash and Sahoo, K L and Mukherjee, S and Ray, Ashok K (2012) Creep behaviour of Mg-8% Sn and Mg-8% Sn-3% Al-1% Si alloys. Materials Science and Engineering A, 545 . pp. 103-110.

Prabhu, N S and Joseyphus, J and Sankara Narayanan, T S N and Ravi Kumar, B and Mitra, A and Panda, A K (2012) Residual Stress Analysis in Surface Mechanical Attrition Treated (SMAT) Iron and Steel Component Materials by Magnetic Barkhausen Emission Technique. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 48(12) (IF-1.363). pp. 4713-4717.

Pramanick, A K and Ghosh, M and Das, Goutam and Das, Swapan K and Minj, R K and Ghosh Chowdhury, S (2012) Strengthening Mechanism of Nb and V Microalloyed Low C Steel Rebars and Slabs-Phase-II. Collaborative (CLP). CSIR-NML, (Unpublished)

Pramanick, A K and Gupta, Siddhi and Mishra, T and Sinha, Arvind (2012) Topographical heterogeneity in transparent PVA hydrogels studied by AFM. Materials Science and Engineering C, 32 (2). pp. 222-227.

Prasad, Pendem Shiva and Hait, Jhumki (2012) Leaching Studies of Copper Anode Slime for Recovery of Valuable Metals. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Priyadarshi, Uddeshya and Mishra, Suman K and Kumar, K Shravan (2012) Multilayer Thermal Barrier Coating prepared by EB-PVD process and its structure property correlation. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)


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Raj, A and Goswami, B and Ray, Ashok K (2012) Precipitation, recrystallization and elemental propositions in micro-alloyed steels. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 54(3) . pp. 155-173.

Raji, K and Alfred Cecil Raj, S (2012) Study of safe factor of sintered aluminium alloys using extrusion process. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 54(2) . pp. 137-142.

Rajnikanth, V and Munda, Parikshit and Minj, R K and Ghosh Chowdhury, S (2012) In Quest of self Reliance: NML’s steel development program. Science and Culture, Vol.78/No.11-12 . pp. 532-536.

Ramu, Ch. and Goswami, M C (2012) Kinetics of Gaseous Reduction of Iron Ore. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Randhawa, N S and Das, N N and Jana, R K (2012) Selenite adsorption using leached residues generated by reduction roasting–ammonia leaching of manganese nodules. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 241-242 (4.173). pp. 486-492.

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Randhawa, N S and Jana, R K and Das, N N (2012) Sorption characteristics of aqueous copper onto residue generated in ammoniacal leaching of manganese nodules. In: Inter. Symp. on Advances in Environment Friendly Technology in Mineral Processing and Metal Extraction (AETMME-2012), 18-20 Jan, 2012, Bhubaneswar.

Randhawa, N S and Jana, R K and Das, N N (2012) Thermodynamics and Viscosity Aspects in Manganese Nodule Residue Smelting for Silicomanganese Production. International journal of Metallurgical Engineering, 1(5) . pp. 88-95.

Randhawa, N S and Jana, R K and Das, N N (2012) Thermodynamics and Viscosity aspects in Manganese Nodule Residue Smelting for Silicomanganese Production. In: 16th International Conference on Non-Ferrous Metals - 2012, July 13-14, 2012, Hotel Le Meridien, New Delhi.

Ranjan, Atul and Srivastava, V C and Murugesan, A P (2012) Studies on Electrical Conductivity and Mechanical Properties of all Aluminium alloy Conductors. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Ranjan, Maindra and Ghosh, M (2012) The Effect of Cooling Rates on Vanadium Microalloyed Steel. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Ranjan, Vikas and Pal, J (2012) Effect of Mgo from different Sources on Iron Ore Pellet Properties. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Ranjan, Yogesh and Humane, M M (2012) Forming Operations and Forming Limit Diagram of Steel. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Rao, M Ananda (2012) Failure analysis of Power Plant Components-Case studies. In: 3-day Short term course for TNEB Engineers on Thermal Power Plants, 6th – 8th August 2012, Institute of energy studies, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University, Chennai - 25.

Rao, M Ananda (2012) Failure investigation of a boiler bank tube from a 77 X 2 MW coal based thermal power plant in the northwest region of India. Engineering Failure Analysis, 26(12) . pp. 325-331.

Rath, R K and Mohanty, Sunati and Nayak, B and Singh, Ratnakar and Bhattacharyya, K K (2012) A Comparative Study on Processing of High Alumina Hematite Iron Ore by Gravity, Magnetic and Flotation Methods. In: International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC - 2012), 24 - 28 September 2012, New Delhi, India.

Ravi Kumar, B (2012) Progress of Recrystallisation in Cold Rolled Austenitic Stainless Steel during Cyclic Thermal Process. Materials Science Forum . pp. 627-630.

Ravi Kumar, B (2012) Tensile deformation characteristics of bulk ultrafine-grained austenitic stainless steel produced by thermal cycling. Scripta Materialia, 66 (9). pp. 634-637.

Ravi Kumar, B and Sahu, J K and Das, Swapan K (2012) Influence of Annealing Process on Recrystallisation Behaviour of a Heavily Cold Rolled AISI 304L Stainless Steel on Ultrafine Grain Formation. Materials Science Forum , 715-716 . pp. 334-339.

Ray, A and Sivaprasad, S and Chakrabarti, D (2012) A critical grain size concept to predict the impact transition temperature of Ti-microalloyed steels. International of Fracture, 173(2) . pp. 215-222.

Ray, Ajoy K and Sahu, Ranjan K and Rajnikanth, V and Bapari, H and Ghosh, M and Paul, Parimal (2012) Preparation and characterization of graphene and Ni-decorated graphene using flower petals as the precursor material. Carbon, 50 (11). pp. 4123-4129.

Ray, Ashok K and Roy, P K (2012) High Cycle Fatigue and Cyclic Plastic Deformation Behav-iour of High Temperature Oxidation Resistant Titanium Aluminide Coated IMI834 Alloy at 873K. High Temperature Materials Proceeding, 31 . pp. 691-699.

Rishi kumar, Gautam (2012) Studies on the effect of deformation and holding temperature on grain spherodisation in A356 alloy. Training Report (TR). CSIR -NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Roy, Himadri and Sivaprasad, S and Tarafder, S and Ray, K K (2012) Cyclic fracture behaviour of 304LN stainless steel under load and displacement control modes. Fatigue & fracture of engineering materials & structures, 35 (2). pp. 108-113.

Roy, P K and Sahu, J K and Parida, N and Swaminathan, J and Guguloth, K and Tiwari, Y N and Sharma, R K (2012) Assessment of creep, stress ruptures and elevated temperature tensile properties of ASTM-T11 grade steel. Sponsored (SSP). CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur. (Submitted)

Roy, Rajat K and Shen, Shen and Kernion, Sam J and McHenry, Michael E (2012) Effect of P addition on nanocrystallization and high temperature magnetic properties of low B and Nb containing FeCo nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Physics, 111 . 07A301-1.

Roy, Subrata and Mandal, S K and Das, Avimanyu (2012) Segregation and Process Features in a Teeter Bed Separator as Revealed by High Speed Videography and Image Processing. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review: An International Journal, 06 Aug 2012 .

Roy, Subrata and Vidyadhar, A and Konar, J and Das, Avimanyu (2012) Metal Enrichment of Finely Ground Electronic Waste using Eddy Current Separation. Separation Science and Technology, 47 (12). pp. 1777-1784.


Saha, Jayanta and Singh, D D N and Nair, Premraj (2012) Performance Evaluation of Field Exposed Painted Constructional Steels. In: Corcon International Corrosion Conference and Expo - 2012, September 26-29, 2012, Goa, India.

Sahoo, K L and Mandal, D and Paul, K K and Ghosh, Sukomal (2012) Metallurgical heritage of India : Preservation and rejuvenation. Science and Culture . pp. 532-536.

Sahu, A K and Goswami, N G (2012) CSIR-NML Institutional Repository and Global Visibility. [Presentation Slide] (Unpublished)

Sahu, A K and Goswami, N G (2012) The open access electronic document delivery system – An initiative of CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur. In: eWorld Forum-2012, June 15-16, 2012, Ashoka Hotel, New Delhi. (Unpublished)

Sahu, J K and Krupp, U and Christ, H J (2012) Fatigue crack initiation behavior in embrittled austenitic–ferritic stainless steel. International Journal of Fatigue, 45 . pp. 8-14.

Sahu, J K and Sahu, K K and Ray, A K (2012) The influence of high-temperature oxidation resistant titanium aluminide coating on low-cycle fatigue behaviour of titanium alloy IMI 834 at 600 C. Institute of Mechanical Engineers, 226 . pp. 35-41.

Sahu, K K and Mishra, D and Jha, Manis K and Agrawal, A (2012) Processing of secondaries and wastes for metal extraction. Science and culture, 78 . pp. 504-510.

Sahu, Puspendu and Shee, S K and Hamada, A S and Rovatti, L and Sahu, T and Mahato, B and Ghosh Chowdhury, S and Porter, D A and Karjalainen, L P (2012) Low strain rate deformation behavior of a Cr-Mn austenitic steel at -80oC. Acta Materialia, 60(2012) . pp. 6907-6919.

Sahu, Ranjan K and Ganguly, Koustav and Mishra, T and Mishra, M and Ningthoujam, R S and Roy, S K and Pathak, L C (2012) Stabilization of intrinsic defects at high temperatures in ZnO nanoparticles by Ag modification. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 366 (1). pp. 8-15.

Sahu, Ranjan K and Mohanta, Ojaswini and Pramanick, A K (2012) XPS study on the correlation of magnetic properties and site occupancy of Al doped SrFe12O19. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 532 . pp. 114-120.

Sahu, S K and Asselin, E (2012) Effect of oxidizing agents on the hydrometallurgical purification of metallurgical grade silicon. Hydrometallurgy, 121-124 . pp. 120-125.

Sahu, Sangeeta (2012) Synthesis of Dodecaaza-Tetra-chloro-tricyclodotri- acontane macro cyclic complexes of (Cu ++ ) transition metal ions present in pulp and paper mill effluents. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 54(2) . pp. 125-130.

Saray, O and Purcek, G and Mahato, B and Ghosh Chowdhury, S (2012) Texture evolution of IF-steel sheets processed by equal-channel angular sheet extrusion (ECASE). Materials Science Forum, 702-703 . pp. 123-126.

Sarkar, Partha and Mallick, A B and Roy, Rajat K and Panda, A K and Mitra, A (2012) Structural and Giant Magneto-impedance properties of Cr-incorporated Co-Fe-Si-B amorphous microwires. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 324 (8). pp. 1551-1556.

Sarkar, Partha and Roy, Rajat K and Mitra, A and Panda, A K and Churyukanovaa, Margarita and Kaloshkina, Sergey (2012) Effect of Nb and Cr incorporation on the structural and magnetic properties of rapidly quenched FeCoSiB microwires. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 324 (16). pp. 2543-2546.

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