Quantification of Sulphydryl Collector-Mixture Used in Sulphide Ore Flotation

Dey, Shobhana and Parolis, L A S and Yorath, G (2012) Quantification of Sulphydryl Collector-Mixture Used in Sulphide Ore Flotation. Transaction of the Indian Institute of Metals, 65 (4). pp. 387-392.

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Sulphydryl collectors are used for the flotation of sulphide ores. Sometimes a combination of various types of sulphydryl collectors having different functional groups are used to improve the flotation performance. Usually UV spectrophotometry technique is used to quantify the unabsorbed amount (residual concentration) of single sul-phydryl collectors left after the adsorption or flotation studies. When a mixture of these collectors is present, UV spectrophotometry gives erroneous results as there is an interference of the spectra over the other. An alternative approach, ion-pairing chromatography (high performance liquid chromatography) gives encouraging results. This practice utilises the separation of chromatograms and determines the concentration of sulphydryl collectors spectrophotometrically. It can effectively quantify the mixtures of sulphydryl collectors of different functional groups and thus estimates the amount of chemicals needed for effective flotation, and also minimises the adverse effect of the same on the environment.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://DOI 10.1007/s12666-012-0142-9
Uncontrolled Keywords:Sulphydryl collectors, UV visible spectrophotometry, Molar absorptivity, High performance liquid chromatography
Divisions:Mineral Processing
ID Code:5811
Deposited By:Dr. A K Sahu
Deposited On:18 Jul 2012 10:00
Last Modified:18 Jul 2012 10:00
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