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Agrawal, B B and Prasad, K K and Ray, H S (2000) Utilisation of Iron Oxide Waste through Cold Bonded Pelletisaion. In: International Symposium on Processing of fines - Vol.2, 2000, NML Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur.

Assis, R M and Lima, J A and Assis, Paulo Santos and Schultz, Atila (2000) Use of metallurgical silicon carbide by producing steels and use in the cupola furnace. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (4). pp. 279-281.


Bandopadhyay, A (2000) Multi-gravity Separator An Equipment for Separation of Fines. In: International Symposium on Processing of Fines, 2000, CSIR - National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur.

Bandopadhyay, A and Ghoshal, T K and Singh, K K and Ramachandrarao, P (2000) Pollution prevention and control in metallurgical furnace -current status and strategies for cleaner environment. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (1). pp. 1-9.

Banerjee, T and Mishra, G (2000) Cathodic protection - A proven corrosion control means in immersed or buried pipelines in oil,natural gas and Petrochemical Industries. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (3). pp. 167-176.

Basu, D K and Bhattacharjee, A K and Singh, M N (2000) Some observations on environmental corrosion behaviour and electrochemical passivation characteristic of silver-cadmium contact alloys in neutral - saline and alkaline - sour media. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science., 42 (2). pp. 121-131.

Basu, D K and Singh, M N and Dev, S C and Sivaramakrishnan, C S (2000) Corrosion of silver-containing brazing fillers and contact materials in different conditions. Corrosion Prevention & Control, 47 (3). 77-+.

Bhaskar, Udaya and Govindarajan, B and Barnwal, J P and Rao, T C and Rao, K K (2000) Performance Evaluation of Water-Injection Cyclone Treating a Synthetic Mixture. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Bhaskar Raju, G and Prabhakar, S (2000) Beneficiation of fluorspar by column flotation. Minerals & Metallurgical Processing, 17 (3). pp. 167-172.

Bhattacharjee, S and Dasgupta, P and Kar, D and Bhattacharjee, R N (2000) A New process for the enrichment of nickel in Sukinda chromite overburden ore. In: Processing of fines: International symposium, November 2-3, 2000, CSIR-NML.

Bhattacharyya, P and Dasgupta, P and Kar, D and Bhattacharjee, R N and Ghosal, S and Paul, A R (2000) A New process for the Enrichment of Nickel in Sukinda Chromite Overburden ore. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Bhattacharyya, P and Sil, S K and Saha, P and Maulik, S C (2000) Recovery of values from barite sludge using Multi-gravity Separator. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Bhattacharyya, S K (2000) Technology strategy to meet challenges in steel. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (3). pp. 133-137.

Bhattamishra, A K and Chattoraj, I and Basu, D K and De, P K (2000) Study on the influence of the Si/Fe ratio on the corrosion behaviour of some Al-Fe-Si alloys. Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde, 91 (5). pp. 393-396.

Bhattamishra, A K and De, P K and Das, S K and Sivaramakrishnan, C S (2000) Environmental effect on cold pressure welded non-ferrous wires. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (1). pp. 47-51.

Bose, S C and Singh, Kulvir and Jayaraman, G and Venugopal, K (2000) Evaluation and establishment of short-term stress relaxation test methodology for predicting long-term creep life of steam turbine components. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (3). pp. 177-197.

Boteva, Antoaneta (2000) Characteristics of fine gold losses during processing of some copper ores. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (4). pp. 199-202.

Boteva, Antoaneta (2000) New Reagent for Fine Gold Recovery during Copper Ores Processing. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Chakrabarti, D M (2000) Simple Approach to Estimation of the Work Index. Transaction of the Institute Min. Metall.(Sect. C: Mineral Process. Extr. Metall, 109 (2). pp. 83-89.

Chakraborty, M and Srikanth, S (2000) Kinetics of salt roasting of chalcopyrite using KCl. Thermochimica Acta, 362 (1-2). pp. 25-35.

Chakravarty, S and Bhattacharyya, P and Chatterjee, S S and Singh, B N (2000) Utilisation of Iron ore Fines in Alternative Iron making processes - An Indian perspective. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Chandrasekhar, S (2000) Chemical, Mineralogical and Morphological Characterisation of kaolinitic clays. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Chattopadhyay, A (2000) Remobilization and concentration of gold in banded iron formation from Ajjenahalli area, Tumkur District, Karnataka, India. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (1). pp. 53-64.

Chattopadhyay, A and Banerjee, B and Maulik, S C (2000) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Beldih apatite, Purulia district, West Bengal. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (4). pp. 203-213.

Chaudhuri, S and Roy, Nilima and Ghosh, R N (2000) Stress rupture ductility diagram - A diagnostic tool. ISIJ International, 40 (2). pp. 207-210.

Chaudhuri, S P and Mishra, K K and Ramachandrarao, P (2000) Dry gas cleaning system for cupola : From concept to commissioning - A case study. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Chernykh, S I and Korshunov, V V (2000) Creation of Column Flotation Cells of Large Volume Chambers and their Industrial Applications. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Das, S K and Kumar, Sanjay and Ramachandrarao, P (2000) Exploitation of iron ore tailing for the development of ceramic tiles. Waste Management, 20 (8). pp. 725-729.

Das, Suchandan K and Godiwalla, K M (2000) High speed continuous casting of steel - A technological challenge in India. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science., 42 (2). pp. 81-92.

Das, Suchandan K and Kumar, Sanjay and Ramachandrarao, P (2000) Recovery Exploitation of iron ore tailing for the development of ceramic tiles. Waste Management , 20 (8). pp. 725-729.

Das, Swapan K and Ravi Kumar, B and Bhattacharya, D K and Chattoraj, I (2000) Stress corrosion cracking in an Al-bronze chlorine gas regulating valve. Engineering Failure Analysis, 7 (4). pp. 229-237.

Director, NML (2000) Annual Report 1999-2000. NML, Jamshedpur.

Director, NML (2000) NML news. In: NML news. NML, Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, pp. 1-16. ISBN 0972-4265


Gaur, B and Singh, Raghuvir and Singh, A K (2000) Corrosion of stainless steels in chlorination washer of Indian paper industry. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (2). pp. 113-119.

Ghosh Chowdhury, S and Jena, A K and Ray, R K (2000) Recovery and ordering in cold-rolled boron-doped Ni76Al24. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 31 (9). pp. 2127-2134.

Ghosh Chowdhury, S and Ray, R K and Jena, A K (2000) Texture evolution during recrystallization in a boron-doped Ni76Al24 alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A, 277 (1-2). pp. 1-10.


Hadjiev, A and Hadjiev, P and Georgiev, R (2000) Flotation of Barite From Complex Iron Ore. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Haugen, B E and De Silva, S R and Datta, B K (2000) A de-dusting device for removing fines from pellets, granules and coarser powders. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Jana, B and Saha, B and Shetty, Kishora and Yadav, J S and Gupta, B (2000) Airworthiness certification of titanium alloys for aeronautical applications. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (3). pp. 151-158.


Kale, Girish Madhav and Srikanth, S (2000) Electrochemical determination of the Gibbs Energy of formation of Na2Fe2O4 and Na3Fe5O9 employing Na-β-Al2O3 solid electrolyte. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 83 (1). pp. 175-180.

Khanra, G P and Kumar, S G and De, Gangadhar and Mittal, M C (2000) Development of tungsten-copper composite for bi-propellant control thrusters. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (3). pp. 139-149.

Kumar, A and Sen, K (2000) Design and Construction Aspects of Mini Coal Flotation Plant. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kumar, G (2000) Geochemical Behaviour of Ferromanganese Nodules from the Central Indian Ocean Basin. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kumar, G and Dey, U K and Mishra, S C and Sahay, V K (2000) Water recycling system in a coal beneficiation plant. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (4). pp. 243-248.

Kumar, P and Murthy, G V S (2000) Ultrasonic evaluation of double poured rolls. NDT & E International, 33 (1). pp. 43-45.

Kumar, Sanjay and Singh, K K and Ramachandrarao, P (2000) Synthesis of cordierite from fly ash and its refractory properties. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 19 (14). pp. 1263-1265.

Kumar, Vinay and Pandey, B D and Bagchi, D and Jana, R K and Agrawal, A and Premchand, (2000) Solvent extraction in the process of metal separation. Minerals & Metals Review, ( ). pp. 68-76.

Kumaran, S and Raghu, T and Subramanian, R and Ramakrishnan, S S (2000) Characterisation of mechanically alloyed atomised AI-Ni-Ce-Zr alloy system. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (3). pp. 159-165.

Kuzev, L and Hristov, N (2000) Vibration grinding - An approach for secondary use of refuse metallic aluminium. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Mantsevich, M I and Khersonskaya, I I (2000) Use of Organic Depressors for Selective Flotation of Copper -nickel and polymetallic ores. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Mathew, M D and Rao, K B S and Mannan, S L and Paknikar, K and Singh, R (2000) Recovery of creep properties of alloy 625 after long term service. Creep and Fracture Of Engineering Materials and Structures, 171 (1). pp. 537-543.

Mehrotra, S P and Shekhar, R (2000) Studies on Particle Suspension in Air-agitated Pachuca tanks. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Mehta, K D and Pandey, B D and Premchand, and Mankhand, T R (2000) Recovery of Valuable Metals from Sea Nodules in Presence of Pyrite and Sulphur. In: International Symposium on Processing of fines - Vol.2, 2000, NML Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur.

Mishra, D and Anand, S and Panda, R K and Das, R P (2000) Hydrothermal preparation and characterization of boehmites. Materials Letters, 42 . pp. 38-45.

Mishra, D and Anand, S and Panda, R K and Das, R P (2000) Statistical optimization of conditions for the hydrothermal precipitation of boehmite. Hydrometallurgy, 58 . pp. 169-174.

Mishra, Suman K and Das, Swapan K and Das, S K and Ramachandrarao, P (2000) Sintering studies on ultrafine ZrB2 powder produced by a self-propagating high-temperature synthesis process. Journal of Materials Research, 15 (11). pp. 2499-2504.

Mohanty, J K and Rao, D S and Rao, R Bhima (2000) Mineralogy and pre-concentration of the chromite overburden of the Sukinda Ultramafic Belt, Orissa, India. CIM Bulletin, 93 (1038). pp. 37-43.

Mohapatra, M and Mishra, D and Anand, S and Das, R P (2000) Aqueous reduction of cobalto-cobaltic oxides in ammoniacal medium using ammonium sulphite as the reductant. Hydrometallurgy . pp. 193-202.

Mostyka, Yu and Shutov, V and Grebenyuk, L and Ahmetshina, I (2000) Investigation of Separation of Fine Materials in Strong Magnetic Fields. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Munro, D and Poetschka, N (2000) Classification of Iron ore Fines at Hamerslev Iron's Paraburdoo Mine. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Naganoor, P C and Prasanna, A S R and Shivaprasad, K H and Bhat, K L (2000) Extraction of manganese from Ferro-manganese slag. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Nair, N R and Mukherjee, T K (2000) Various aspects of fines in separation and processing of beach sand minerals in India. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Natrajan, K A and Deo, Namita (2000) Mycrobially Induced Processing of Mineral Fines. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Padhi, K K (2000) Evaluation and improvement of X-ray emission analysis for the recovery values of baryte waste. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (4). pp. 255-267.

Panchaxarimath, B P and Puranik, S C (2000) Recovery of gold from Plant/dump Liquors, Gadag Gold Fields, Karnataka, India. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Panda, A K and Chattoraj, I and Mitra, A (2000) Structural and soft magnetic properties of Fe73.5Nb3M1Si13.5B9 (M=Cu, Mn, Pt). Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 222 (3). pp. 263-270.

Pandey, S R and Tripathy, T and Bhagat, R P and Singh, R P (2000) Divided Flocculant addition:way to minimize Flocculant Addition. Metals Materials and Processes, 2000, 12 (1). pp. 27-34.

Pathak, L C and Singh, T B and Verma, A K and Ramachandrarao, P (2000) Synthesis of nano-crystalline alumina powder by Sol-gel Process. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (2). pp. 93-104.

Pathak, P N and Dey, Shobhana and Rao, D S and Sahu, K K and Chaterjee, N N (2000) Recycling: An alternative to disposal -A case study on ferro-chrome slag. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (4). pp. 249-253.

Patil, M R and Shivakumar, K S and Rudramuniyappa, M V and Rao, R Bhima (2000) Flotation studies on graphite ores of shivaganga area, Madurai district, Tamilnadu. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 42 (4). pp. 233-241.

Patnaik, S K and Murthy, P V R and Vidyasagar, P (2000) Importance of Synthetic Flocculants in Alumina Industry. In: International Symposium on Processing of fines. NML Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, pp. 249-254. ISBN 81-87053-53-4

Pattanaik, M (2000) Dispersion profile of rutile powder in polyacrylic acid solutions by electrokinetics and settling studies. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (4). pp. 227-232.

Pazouki, Amir and Yeganeh, Biejan Yousefi (2000) Recovery of lead-zinc from Angouran Mine Iran. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (4). pp. 221-226.

Prabhakar, S and Goswami, M C and Mahapatra, A K S and Ghosh, K C and Das, S K and Sinha, A N and Mishra, K K (2000) Morphology and reduction kinetics of fluxed iron ore pellets. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 27 (3). pp. 194-201.

Prabhakar, S and Goswami, M C and Mahapatra, A K S and Ghosh, K C and Das, Swapan K and Sinha, A N and Mishra, K K (2000) Morphology and reduction kinetics of fluxed iron ore pellets. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 27 (3). pp. 194-201.

Pradhan, B and Kumar, Sanjay (2000) Finite element analysis of low-velocity impact damage in composite laminates. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 19 (4). pp. 322-339.

Pradip, and Raha, S and Kapur, P C (2000) Computer aided Design and Optimization of Mineral Processing Plants by a State of the Art Simulator. In: International Symposium on Processing of fines - Vol.2. NML Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, pp. 373-387. ISBN 81-87053-53-4

Prakash, S and Goswami, M C and Mahapatra, A K S and Ghosh, K C (2000) Morphology and reduction kinetics of fluxed iron ore pellets. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 27 (3). pp. 194-201.

Pramanick, A K (2000) Effect of composition on the streaking and diffuse intensity in decagonal phase in Al70−XCo15CuXCY Ni15−Y system. Materials Science and Engineering, 294-296 . pp. 173-177.

Pramanick, A K and Mukhopadhyay, N K (2000) Aperiodic-2000. Current Science, 79 (12). pp. 1637-1643.

Prodhan, A and Reddy, S R S and Prasad, S N (2000) Studies on solidification, aging and forgeability of modified stainless steels. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 103 (2). pp. 324-331.

Puvvada, G V K and Murthy, D S R (2000) Selective precious metals leaching from a chalcopyrite concentrate using chloride/hypochlorite media. Hydrometallurgy, 58 (3). pp. 185-191.


Raghavan, P and Chandrasekhar, S and Ramaswamy, S (2000) Processing of china clay by super-conducting high gradient magnetic separation. In: International Symposium on Processing of Fines. NML Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, pp. 108-113. ISBN 81-87053-53-4

Ramachandrarao, P (2000) Solidification of silver–germanium alloys under microgravity conditions. Current Science, 79 (3). pp. 326-327.

Ramachandrarao, P and Sinha, Arvind and Sanyal, D (2000) On the fractal nature of Penrose tiling. Current Science, 79 (3). pp. 365-366.

Ranganathan, S (2000) Prediction of phase equilibria by the technique of successive partial equilibration - The general algorithm. Calphad, 24 (3). pp. 285-294.

Ranganathan, S and Godiwalla, K M and Nath, Paras and Akbar, S A (2000) Influence of electrical parameters on the specific energy consumption and quality of ferrochromium produced in submerged arc furnace. In: 58th Electric Furnace Conference/17th Process Technology Conference, 2000, 58th Electric Furnace Conference.

Rao, Bhima R and Veeresh, M B and Reddy, P S R (2000) Flotation Kinetics of Coking Coal Fines. In: International Symposium on Processing of fines. NML Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, pp. 199-208. ISBN 81-87053-53-4

Rao, D S and Acharya, B C and Sahoo, R K (2000) Role of Mineralogy, Mineral Chemistry and Geochemistry in Mineral Processing : A case study for High Phosphorous manganese ores of Nishikhal, South Orissa, India. In: Proceedings of the National Seminar on Processing of Fines. NML Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, pp. 25-50. ISBN 81-87053-53-4

Rao, D S and Mohapatra, B K (2000) Microscopy in mineral processing - A review. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (1). pp. 31-42.

Rao, K V and Kumar, T V Vijaya and Kumar, R K and Maulik, S C (2000) Flotation Studies on Coking coal Sample from West Bokaro. Exploratory (OLP). CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur. (Submitted)

Rao, S Mohan and Rao, P V T and Choudhury, B Roy (2000) Efficacy of Gravity Separation as an Alternative to Froth Flotation for Treating Jharia group Coal fines. In: International Symposium on Processing of fines. NML Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, pp. 160-167. ISBN 81-87053-53-4

Rao, T C (2000) Dense Medium Cyclone. In: International Symposium on Processing of fines. NML Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, pp. 127-140. ISBN 81-87053-53-4

Rath, C and Mishra, N C and Anand, S and Das, R P and Sahu, K K and Upadhyay, C and Verma, H C (2000) Appearance of superparamagnetism on heating nanosize Mn0.65Zn0.35Fe2O4. Applied Physics Letters, 76 (IF-4.00). pp. 475-477.

Ravi Kumar, B and Bhattacharya, D K and Das, Swapan K and Ghosh Chowdhury, S (2000) Premature fatigue failure of a spring due to quench cracks. Engineering Failure Analysis, 7 (6). pp. 377-384.

Ravichandran, K and Sivanandh, H and Sundara Raman, Ganesh and Hariharasudan, T and Sankara Narayanan, T S N (2000) Acceleration of the phosphating process—the utility of galvanic coupling. Metal Finishing, 98 (9). pp. 48-54.

Ray, A K and Tiwari, Y N and Sinha, R K and Roy, S K and Singh, R and Chaudhuri, S (2000) Mechanical Property Evaluation and Remaining Life Assessment of Service - Exposed Steam Pipe of Boilers in : Thermal Power Plant. High Temperature Materials and Process, 20 (1). pp. 1-12.

Ray, Ashok K (2000) Failure mode of thermal barrier coatings for gas turbine vanes under bending. International Journal of Turbo & Jet-engines, 17 (1). pp. 1-24.

Ray, Ashok K and Bandopadhyay, A and Srikanth, S and Das, S K and Antony, M P and Jha, Animesh (2000) Physico-chemical investigations on the sintering behaviour of red mud - flue dust composites. In: Processing of fines: International symposium, November 2-3, 2000, NML Jamshedpur, India.

Ray, Ashok K and Mishra, K K and Das, Goutam and Chaudhary, P N (2000) Life of rolls in a cold rolling mill in a steel plant-operation versus manufacture. Engineering Failure Analysis, 7 (1). pp. 55-67.

Ray, Ashok K and Tiwari, Y N and Chaudhuri, S (2000) Evaluation of mechanical properties and assessment of residual life of a service-exposed water wall tube. Engineering Failure Analysis, 7 (6). pp. 393-402.

Ray, Ashok K and Tiwari, Y N and Chaudhuri, S and Tarafder, S and Singh, R (2000) Residual life assessment of FCCU reactor plate. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 53 (3). pp. 427-433.

Ray, Ashok K and Tiwari, Y N and Singh, R and Tarafder, S (2000) Prediction of remaining life of a FCCU reactor plate. Engineering Failure Analysis, 7 (2). pp. 75-86.

Ray, Ashok K and Tiwari, Y N and Sinha, R K and Chaudhuri, S and Singh, R (2000) Residual life prediction of service exposed main steam pipe of boilers in a thermal power plant. Engineering Failure Analysis, 7 (5). pp. 359-376.

Reddy, M L P and Ramamohan, T R and Sahu, S K and Thakur, P and Chakravortty, V (2000) Mixed-ligand chelate extraction of thorium(IV) and uranium(VI) with thenoyltrifluroacetone and various imidazoles. Radiochimica Acta, 88 . pp. 405-410.

Reddy, M L P and Sahu, S K and Chakravortty, V (2000) 4-Acylbis(1-Phenyl-3-Methyl-5-Pyrazolones)as extractants for f-elements. Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange, 18 (6). pp. 1135-1153.

Reddy, P S R and Biswal, S K and Prakash, S and Bhaumik, S K and Sastri, S R S (2000) Recovery of Coal fines from Rejects by Column Flotation. In: International Symposium on Processing of fines. NML Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, pp. 213-221. ISBN 81-87053-53-4

Rudramuniyappa, M V and Pampapathi, and Huballi, J (2000) Studies on Composite Pre-reduced Pellets of Iron Ore Fines of Sandur area , Bellary district, Karnataka, India. In: International Symposium on Processing of fines. NML Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, pp. 263-268. ISBN 81-87053-53-4


Sahoo, K L and Sivaramakrishnan, C S and Chakrabarti, A K (2000) Modification of cast structure in Al-8 center dot 3Fe-0 center dot 8V-0 center dot 9Si alloy by magnesium treatment. Materials Science and Technology, 16 (2). pp. 227-230.

Sahoo, K L and Sivaramakrishnan, C S and Chakrabarti, A K (2000) Solidification characteristics of the Al-8.3Fe-0.8V-0.9Si alloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 31 (6). pp. 1599-1610.

Sahoo, K L and Sivaramakrishnan, C S and Chakrabarti, A K (2000) Studies on wear characteristics of Al–Fe–V–Si alloys. Wear, 239 (2). pp. 211-218.

Sahu, K K and Das, R P (2000) Mixed solvent systems for the extraction and stripping of iron(III) from concentrated acid chloride solutions. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 31 (6). pp. 1169-1174.

Sahu, S K and Chakravortty, V and Reddy, M L P and Ramamohan, T R (2000) The synergistic extraction of thorium(IV) and uranium(VI) with mixtures of 3-phenyl-4-benzoyl-5-isoxazolone and crown ethers. Talanta, 51 . pp. 523-530.

Sahu, S K and Reddy, M L P and Ramamohan, T R and Chakravortty, V (2000) Solvent extraction of uranium(VI) and thorium(IV)from nitrate media by Cyanex 923. Radiochimica Acta, 88 . pp. 33-37.

Samantaray, S K and Mishra, T and Parida, K M (2000) Studies on anion promoted Titania 2: Preparation, characterisation and catalytic activity towards aromatic alkylation over sulfated titania. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical , 156 . pp. 267-274.

Sankara Narayanan, T S N and Seshadri, S K (2000) Cathodic electrosynthesis of alumina thin films and powders. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 19 (19). pp. 1715-1718.

Sarkhel, B R and Bhattacharyya, K K and Saha, P and Chattoraj, U S and Maulik, S C (2000) Effect of grinding on beneficiation of a low grade limestone sample. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (4). pp. 215-219.

Sastry, K V S and Wilson, T and Moothedath, S K (2000) Influence of Operating Variables on Continuous Flocculation of Mineral Fines. In: International Symposium on Processing of fines. NML Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, pp. 237-248. ISBN 81-87053-53-4

Siddiqui, A S and Mohapatra, A K and Rao, J V (2000) Separation of Beach Sand Minerals. In: International Symposium on Processing of fines. NML Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, pp. 114-126. ISBN 81-87053-53-4

Sil, S K and Kunwar, R K and Banerjee, B and Maulik, S C (2000) Beneficiation studies on reject dump magnesite sample from Talur Magnesite Mines, Karnataka. In: Processing of fines: International symposium, November 2-3, 2000. NML, Jamshedpur, pp. 423-429. ISBN 81-87053-53-4

Singh, D D N (2000) Current Developments in Improving the Corrosion Resistance of Zinc Coated Steel Sheets. Proceedings of Coil-Coated Steel Sheets, New Delhi, 2000 . pp. 1-19.

Singh, D D N and Chakrabarti, S and Jha, G (2000) Latest Trends in Corrosion Resistant Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings. Galvanizing . pp. 1-7.

Singh, K K (2000) Refractories for iron and steel making: Recent trends and future prospects. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (2). pp. 75-79.

Singh, M N and Basu, D K and Bhattamishra, A K and Kumari, Seema and Banerjee, M K (2000) Corrosion behaviour of commercial paints on mild steel in aggressive media. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (2). pp. 105-112.

Singh, Raghubir (2000) A mechanism based approach for remaining life assessment of components exposed to prolonged creep. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 53 (3). pp. 175-183.

Singh, Ratnakar and Sengupta, S K and Pathak, P N and Prasad, S N and Srivastava, J P and Banerjee, B and Chattpadhyay, A and Rao, D S and Maulik, S C and Chakrabarti, C K (2000) Designing Flotation Process for Lead-Zinc ore from Nepal. In: International Symposium on Processing of fines. NML Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, pp. 188-198. ISBN 81-87053-53-4

Sinha, Arvind and Das, S K and Rao, Venkatesh and Ramachandrarao, P (2000) Synthesis of organized inorganic crystal assemblies. Current Science, 79 (5). pp. 646-648.

Sinha, Arvind and Das, Swapan K and Ravi Kumar, B and Chakraborty, S and Rao, Venkatesh and Ramachandrarao, P (2000) Polymer-Mediated Synthesis of Fine-Sized Cobalt Particles. Journal of Materials Synthesis and Processing, 8 (2). pp. 109-113.

Sinha, K M K and Chattopadhyay, U S and Sen, K (2000) Recycling and Treatment of Settling Pond Fines - A challenge to Industry and Environment. In: International Symposium on Processing of fines - Vol.2. NML Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, pp. 416-422. ISBN 81-87053-53-4

Sinha, S N and Agrawal, M K and Prasad, R B (2000) Environmental problems and its control in non-ferrous metal industries. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science , 42 (4). pp. 255-267.

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