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Balasundaram, L J and Sinha, A N (1971) Thermal Expansion of Lead‐Tin and Lead‐Cadmium Alloys. Journal of Applied Physics, 42 . p. 5207.

Basu, T S and Ray, Mallar and Bandopadhyay, N R and Pramanick, A K and Hossain, S M (2013) Performance Enhancement of Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells by Coating with Luminescent Silicon Nanostructures. Journal of Electronic materials, 42(3) (IF-1.9). pp. 403-409.


Choudhary, Shyam K and Bhadu, Manish Kumar and Guin, Akshya Kumar and Pramanick, A K and Ghosh, Nabarun and Rout, Tapan Kumar and Das, Sumitesh (2013) Boiling Study of Nanofluid on Graphene Coated Substrate. Journal of Nanofluids, 2 . pp. 1-4.

Chowdhury, A and Bijalwan, P K and Sahu, Ranjan K (2014) Investigations on the role of alkali to obtain modulated defect concentrations for Cu2O thin films. Applied Surface Science, 289 (IF-2.538). pp. 430-436.


Das, Arpan (2015) Crystallographic variant selection of martensite at high stress/strain. Philosophical Magazine, 95(20) (IF-1.427). pp. 2210-2227.

Das, Goutam and Rao, Venkatesh and Joarder, A and Mohanty, O N and Murthy, S G N and Mitra, A (1995) Magnetic characterization of 5Cr-0.5Mo steel used in process 1 heater tubes. Journal of Physics D: Appl. Phys., 28 . pp. 2229-2234.

Das, T K and Banerji, Pallab and Mandal, S K (2012) An embedded magnetic field sensing device utilizing giant magnetoimpedance (GMI) effect. In: 2012 Sixth International Conference on Sensing Technology, December 18 - 21, 2013, Kolkata.

Das, T K and Mandal, S K and Panda, A K and Bhattacharya, S and Banerji, Pallab and Mitra, A (2014) Giant Magnetoimpedance (GMI) Effect and Field Sensitivity of Ferrofluid Coated Co66Fe2Si13B15Cr4 Soft Magnetic Amorphous Microwire. Physics Procedia, 54 (NIF-0.629). pp. 16-22.

Das, T K and Mitra, A and Roy, Rajat K and Panda, A K and Mandal, S K (2014) Development of GMI Based Sensing Device for Identification of Magnetic Phases in Steel. In: All India Seminar on Instrumentation and Process Control, April 24 - 25, 2014, Jamshedpur.

Das, T K and Panda, A K and Mitra, A and Roy, Rajat K and Mandal, S K (2014) Giant Magnetoimpedance Sensor for Structural Integrity Assessment of Engineering Components. In: National Seminar and Exhibition on Non-Destructive Evaluation, NDE 2014, December 3 - 5, 2014, Pune.

Dey, Sushmita and Roy, Rajat K and Ghosh, M and Mallick, A Basu and Mitra, A and Panda, A K (2017) Enhancement in magnetocaloric properties of NiMnGa alloy through stoichiometric tuned phase transformation and magneto-thermal transitions. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 439 (IF-2.630). pp. 305-311.

Dey, Sushmita and Singh, Satnam and Roy, Rajat K and Ghosh, M and Mitra, A and Panda, A K (2016) Influence of Mn incorporation for Ni on the magnetocaloric properties of rapidly solidified off-stoichiometric NiMnGa ribbons. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 397 (IF-2.630). pp. 342-346.

Director, NML (2016) Annual Report 2015-2016. CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur. ISBN 0972-4273

Director, NML (2010) NML Diamond Jubilee Souvenir. In: NML Diamond Jubilee Souvenir. National Metallurgy Laboratory, Jamshedpur.


Gour, K S and Pawar, P S and Lee, M and Karade, V C and Yun, J S and Heo, J and Park, J and Yun, J H and Kim, J H (2024) Fostering Charge Carrier Transport and Absorber Growth Properties in CZTSSe Thin Films with an ALD-SnO2 Capping Layer. ACS Applied materials & Interfaces .


Khanduri, Prabhat Chandra and Upadhyay, T C (2016) Dependence of dielectric constant and loss tangent on electric field in antiferroelectric squaric acid crystal. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 58(4) (IF 0.04). pp. 213-220.

Kumar, Sunil (2018) Graphene Engendered aluminium crystal growth and mechanical properties of its composite: An atomistic investigation. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 201 (IF-2.084). pp. 41-48.

Kumar, Sunil and Das, Suchandan K (2018) Characterization of mechanical properties and nano-porous structure of Aluminium-Magnesium alloy during multi-axial tensile deformation: An atomistic investigation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 740 (IF-3.133). pp. 626-638.

Kurniawan, M and Roy, Rajat K and Panda, A K and Greve, D W and Ohodnicki, P R and McHenry, Michael E (2014) Interplay of stress, temperature, and giant magnetoimpedance in amorphous soft magnets. Applied Physics Letters, 105 (22) (IF-3515). p. 222407.


Manoharan, S S and Singh, Brajendra and Sahu, Ranjan K (2007) Powder neutron diffraction evidence for enhanced inter plane magnetic coupling in La(1.2)Sr(1.8)Mn(2-x)Ru(x)O(7) layered manganites. Journal of Applied Physics, 101 (9).

Mitra, A and Mohapatra, J N and Panda, A K and Das, A and Narasaiah, N and Jiles, D C (2006) Effect of Plastic Deformation on the Magnetic Properties 304 Stainless Steel During Tensile Loading. In: 9th European NDT Conference (ECNDT-2006), September 25-29, 2006, Berlin.

Mitra, A and Palit Sagar, S and Manik, N B (2002) Magnetic Barkhausen emission study in heat-treated Fe-Nb-Cu-Si-B alloy. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 38 (6). pp. 3669-3674.

Mitra, A and Panda, A K and Singh, Ratnakar and Rao, Venkatesh and Ramachandrarao, P (2003) Magnetic and structural behaviours of nanocrystalline Fe70.8Nb3.7Cu1Al2.7Mn0.7Si13.5B7.6 alloy. Philosophical Magazine, 83 (12). pp. 1495-1509.

Mohanta, Ojaswini (2011) Development of Co-Fe Based Nanostructured Soft Magnetic Materials for High Temperature Applications. PhD thesis, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, Howrah.

Mukhopadhyay, C.K and Haneef, T.K and Metya, Avijit Kr and Murthy, G V S (2015) Acoustic emission monitoring during hydrotesting of a mounded LPG storage vessel of petrochemical industry. Strength, Fracture and Complexity, 9(4) (IF-0.76). pp. 251-264.

Mukhopadhyay, N K and Ali, F and Scudino, S and Khoshkhoo, M S and Stoica, M and Srivastava, V C and Uhlenwinkel, V and Vaughan, G and Suryanarayana, C and Eckert, J (2013) Grain size softening effect in Al62.5Cu25Fe12.5 nanoquasicrystals. Applied Physics Letters, 103 (IF-3.79). p. 201914.

Mukhopadhyay, N K and Murthy, G V S and Murty, B S and Weatherly, G C (2002) Transformation of the decagonal quasicrystalline phase to a B2 crystalline phase in the Al-Cu-Co system by high-energy ball milling. Philosophical Magazine Letters Online ISSN 1362-3036, 82 (7). pp. 383-392.

Murugaiyan, Premkumar and Mitra, A and Das, Somnath and Kamaraj, Ashok and Roy, Rajat K and Panda, Ashis K (2024) Influence of Tensile Stress Annealing on Soft Magnetic and Core Loss Properties of Nanocrystalline Fe83Si2B9P4Nb1Cu1 Alloy. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism .


Panda, A K and James, Ajil P and Mohan, Aneesh and Dey, Sushmita and Roy, Rajat K and Mitra, A (2016) Investigation on Transverse Defect and Cavitation Depth in Ferrous Pipe Using Melt Spun FeSiB Ribbon as Magnetostrictive Sensing Element. NDT & E International, 80 (IF-2.726). pp. 15-22.

Panda, A K and Mitra, A (2007) Deformation Behaviour Study of Micro-alloyed Steel by Magnetic Hysteresis Techniques. In: International Conference on Microalloying: Emerging Trends (Mcroalloying-2007, 9-11 March, 2007, Bengal engineering college and science , Howrah.

Panda, A K and Mitra, A and Mohapatra, J N (2010) Magnetic Barkhausen Emissions: A Tool to Study Creep Damage in Steel. In: 8th International conference on Barkhausen Noise and Micromagnetic Testing (ICBM8), , Feb 11-12, 2010, Anupuram, India.

Panda, A K and Roy, Rajat K and Dey, Sushmita and Singh, S and Mitra, A (2013) Functional gradation through preferential crystallisation and interfacial activity in rapidly quenched Fe/Co-based bilayered ribbons for bend sensors. Journal of Applied Physics, 114/2 . 023909.

Panda, A K and Roy, Rajat K and Mitra, A (2013) Electromagnetic Non-destructive Evaluation of Post Weld Heat Treated Modified9Cr-1Mo Steel Weldments. In: Asia pacific conference on NDT (APCNDT) 2013, 18-22 Dec 2013, Mumbai.

Panda, A K and Sharan, P K and Murthy, G V S and Roy, P K and Palit Sagar, S and Mitra, A (2011) Generation of Guided Waves Using Magnetostrictive Nanostructured Sensing Elements for Pipe Inspection. Journal of Non Destructive Testing and Evaluation, 10 (3). pp. 6-9.

Panda, A K and Sharan, P K and Roy, Rajat K and Murthy, G V S and Mitra, A (2012) Generation and Detection of Guided waves in a Pipe with Defect using Rapidly Quenched Magnetostrictive Ribbons. Smart Materials and Structures, 21(4) . 045015.

Pandey, R and Gupta, G and Pani, S K and Godwal, U and Jain, J and Karagadde, S and Chowdhury, S G and Singh, S S (2024) Evolution of 3D microstructure and correlation with deformation behavior of as-cast Mg-4Zn-xCa alloys. Materials Letters, 367 .

Pramanick, A K and Gorai, S and Ghosh, M and Das, Goutam and Das, Swapan K (2014) Optimization of strength in V/N micro alloyed steel by varying vanadium content at fixed Nitrogen level. Collaborative (CLP). CSIR-NML, CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Puvvada, G V K and Chandrasekhar, K (1997) Studies on the metal binding properties of the seeds of Strychos potatorum linn. NML Technical Journal, 39 (4). pp. 239-243.


Radiguet, B and Blavette, D and Wanderka, N and Banhart, J and Sahoo, K L (2008) Segregation-controlled nanocrystallization in an Al–Ni–La metallic glass. Applied Physics Letters, 92 . 103126-1-103126-3.

Raposo, V and Mitra, A and Li, YF and Vazquez, M (2001) Spontaneous mechanical rotation of as-cast and annealed FeSiBNbCu wires under high-frequency axial ac field. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 34 (9). pp. 1346-1351.

Rath, C and Anand, S and Das, R P and Sahu, K K and Kulkarni, S D and Date, S K and Mishra, N C (2002) Dependence on cation distribution of particle size, lattice parameter, and magnetic properties in nanosize Mn-Zn ferrite. Journal of Applied Physics, 91 (4). pp. 2211-2215.

Rath, C and Mishra, N C and Anand, S and Das, R P and Sahu, K K and Upadhyay, C and Verma, H C (2000) Appearance of superparamagnetism on heating nanosize Mn0.65Zn0.35Fe2O4. Applied Physics Letters, 76 (IF-4.00). pp. 475-477.

Roy, Rajat K and Kernion, Sam J and Shen, Shen and McHenry, Michael E (2011) Crystallization behavior and high temperature magnetic phase transitions of Nb-substituted FeCoSiBCu nanocompositesof. Applied Physics Letters, 99 . 192506-1-192506-3.

Roy, Rajat K and Murugaiyan, Premkumar and Panda, A K (2024) Evaluation of Post-Weld Heat-Treated 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel Joint Behaviors by Electromagnetic NDE Parameters. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism .

Roy, Rajat K and Shen, Shen and Kernion, Sam J and McHenry, Michael E (2012) Effect of P addition on nanocrystallization and high temperature magnetic properties of low B and Nb containing FeCo nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Physics, 111 . 07A301-1.


Sarkar, Partha and Mallick, A B and Roy, Rajat K and Panda, A K and Mitra, A (2012) Structural and Giant Magneto-impedance properties of Cr-incorporated Co-Fe-Si-B amorphous microwires. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 324 (8). pp. 1551-1556.

Senthilkumar, M and Muthukumar, M (2007) Studies on the possibility of recycling reactive dye bath effluent after decolouration using ozone. Dyes and Pigments, 72 (2). pp. 251-255.

Singh, Brajendra and Manoharan, S S and Sahu, Rina and Krishnan, P S R and Shinde, A B and Jain, Karishma (2007) Low temperature neutron diffraction studies showing evidence for charge-exchange-type magnetic ordering in Mn doped SrRuO(3). Journal of Applied Physics, 101 (9).

Sircar, J K and Mohanta, M K and Rao, A S and Srivastava, S C (1999) Mass spectrometry: Instrumental aspect-The analyser. NML Technical Journal, 40 (2). pp. 77-83.

Sircar, J K and Mohanta, M K and Rao, A S and Srivastava, S C (1999) Mass spectrometry: Instrumental aspect-The source. NML Technical Journal, 40 (3). pp. 135-142.

Sircar, J K and Mohanta, M K and Rao, A S and Srivastava, S C (1999) Mass spectrometry: Instrumental aspect-The source. NML Technical Journal, 40 (4). pp. 143-162.

Sivaprasad, S (2012) AcSIR Lecture Notes #1: 2 (854) Mechanical Behaviour of Materials. Nil, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Sivaprasad, S (2012) AcSIR Lecture Notes: 2 (854) Mechanical Behaviour of Materials. CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

Sivaprasad, S (2012) Lecture Notes (4) Mohr’s Circle. In: AcSIR , October, 2012, CSIR-NML. (Unpublished)

Swarnakar, Palash and Ghosh, M and Mahato, B and De, P S and Roy, Amritendu (2024) Understanding the phase stability in a multi-principal-component AlCuFeMn alloy. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 57(36) .


Vijaya Kumar, T V and Prabhakar, S and Bhaskar Raju, G (2002) Adsorption of oleic acid at sillimanite/water interface. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 247 (2). pp. 275-281.

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