Investigation on Transverse Defect and Cavitation Depth in Ferrous Pipe Using Melt Spun FeSiB Ribbon as Magnetostrictive Sensing Element

Panda, A K and James, Ajil P and Mohan, Aneesh and Dey, Sushmita and Roy, Rajat K and Mitra, A (2016) Investigation on Transverse Defect and Cavitation Depth in Ferrous Pipe Using Melt Spun FeSiB Ribbon as Magnetostrictive Sensing Element. NDT & E International, 80 (IF-2.726). pp. 15-22.

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The investigation addresses the scope of rapidly quenched Fe80Si8B12 ribbons as magnetostrictive sensor (MsS) material to generate guided waves in galvanized iron pipe and evaluation of defects with different geometries and dimensions. Enhancement in the effective defect size (EDS) of transverse and pit type defects increased the MsS signal. However, the backwall echo showed opposing trend (transverse: reduced and pit: increased) with increase in dimensions of these defects. Such behaviour of backwall intensities has been correlated to different type of guided wave strain field distributions around these defects and reflection coefficients

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Rapidly quenched ribbons, Magnetostrictive sensor, reflection coefficient, transverse defect, pit defect
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:7447
Deposited By:Dr. A.K. Panda
Deposited On:28 May 2016 15:10
Last Modified:20 Nov 2017 12:30
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