Present Trends in Methods of Production of Aluminium Alloy Slabs and Billets for Working

Reeve, M R (1961) Present Trends in Methods of Production of Aluminium Alloy Slabs and Billets for Working. In: Symposium on Light Metal Industry In India, Feb. 14-17, NML, Jamshedpur.



PRODUCTION of aluminium in all parts of the world is increasing rapidly and continuously at the present time. For example, in Europe, 400,000 metric tons of primary aluminium were produced in 1950, but by 1956 this output was more than doubled. Apart from two minor recessions in 1953 and 1957, an increase has occurred each year. Increase in output of the aluminium industry as a whole is very evident in the wrought field, and is related increasingly to various applications in industrial and domestic markets. Examples of comparatively new wrought aluminium alloy applications are evident in the building industry, vehicle bodies, shipbuilding and kitchen ware. Greater demand in the wrought industry, more than in other fields of aluminium production, has had to be met by marked changes in production techniques. Such changes have had to enable outputs to be increased whilst maint-aining and improving metal quality. The purpose of this paper is to comment on changes in techniques now evident, and to describe briefly some of the newer production methods now being adopted.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Wrought field, Molten Alloy
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:3186
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:06 Jul 2011 13:43
Last Modified:26 Dec 2011 12:52
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