Failure investigation of an industrial crank shaft pin

Chidambaram, S and Kamaraj, A (2017) Failure investigation of an industrial crank shaft pin. Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences . pp. 1-7.

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The Design against fatigue of materials and components in rotary equipments is critical and attractive, as number of industrial rotary components failed by fatigue increased over the years in petroleum sector.Novelty of fine grain practice micro structure engineering and surface modification/surface engineering significantly increases the fatigue strength of industrial components. Root cause analysis of fatigue failureis conducted with possible outcome to prevent the failures. The high cycle fatigue life design of crankshaft approaches safe life design philosophy. In the present investigation, failure analysis of the crank pin of the crankshaft was analyzed to determine the cause of failure. Visual examinations reveals the brittle fracture with beach marks and metallographic examinations reveals the crack initiation at Type I graphite sharp boundaries in pearlitic matrix and crack propagated & accelerated till broken in to two pieces of crankpin.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Metal Fatigue,Ductile Iron Casting, High Cycle Fatigue, Graphite in Iron Casting
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:7765
Deposited On:22 Feb 2018 18:02
Last Modified:22 Feb 2018 18:02
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