Generation of piezoelectric potential difference from solar energy induced thermo-mechanical stress

Chatterjee, Partho Pratim (2015) Generation of piezoelectric potential difference from solar energy induced thermo-mechanical stress. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 57(1) . pp. 19-25.

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As demand for electrical energy is rising and concern for environment is augmenting, the onus lies on generation of power at high voltage levels in a cost effective and eco-friendly manner. Against this backdrop, the article dwells upon the concept of generation of electric potential difference (PD) at higher levels by piezoelectric technique, wherein, the thermal stress created in one member (polypropylene cubic bar) develops mechanical stress in another member (piezoelectric cubic quartz bar), and the mechanical stress thus developed, is responsible for the generation of the PD. A proto type experimental set up is illustrated. The article is followed by suggestions and possible applications. The article distinctly concludes that a temperature increase (T ) of 1K in one r member may generate a PD of 11.754 kV in another member, subject to limitation of 235.08 kV for T of 20 K, which are substantial for real life applications. The article is just r a humble attempt from the academic point of view.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Piezoelectricity, Polypropylene-quartz combination, Thermal stress,Mechanical stress, Young's modulus, Voltage sensitivity.
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:7397
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:26 Feb 2016 17:35
Last Modified:26 Feb 2016 17:35
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