Characterization and beneficiation of BHQ from Karnataka

Lal, S M and Ram, Mohan and Gundewar, C S (2013) Characterization and beneficiation of BHQ from Karnataka. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 55(4) (Non-SCI). pp. 323-327.

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Iron ore is ferrous group of mineral and is the backbone of industrial development and its demand has drastically increased with the increase of industrial development. Since, the high grade iron oxides are depleting very fast and to cope up with the increased demand of the industry, the low grade iron ore in general has become the eye catching of iron industry and in this context Indian BHQ ore of Karnataka State which is a huge resource is a promising one to meet to some extent the Indian industrial demand after its upgradation. The ore assaying about 40% Fe content where hematite is main iron mineral occurring in association with quartz in the form of bands. The geometrical feature of minerals in the ore was found very complex nature in view of beneficiation. A banded hematite quartzite ore from Karnataka region was taken for beneficiation to explore the possibility of upgrading the Fe content up to the maximum possible extent with a optimum recovery of iron so that it may find better industrial utilization. Prior to beneficiation test work mineralogical characterization with detailed geometrical features of the various minerals was carried out. The geometrical features of minerals are very complex in view of the beneficiation studies. The occurrences of quartz within the groundmass of hematite and vice-versa even below 10 micron size plays adverse role in obtaining the high grade and recovery of concentrate. The textural characteristics of the minerals compelled to choose the restricted route of gravity separation only for the better result. The best possible recovery of the iron concentrate obtained after beneficiation was in the range of 44% -59% with the grade of Fe(T) ranging from 62% to 65%.This paper highlights the significant role played by the mineralogical characterization studies in the beneficiation process development and explains the reason for low recovery.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Band hematite quartzite (BHQ), Karnataka minerals, Iron ore, Beneficiation, Characterisation.
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:6895
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:26 Mar 2014 12:27
Last Modified:02 Mar 2020 14:11
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