Microwave mineral processing : A challenge in process intensification

Suresh, S and Viswanathan, N N (2013) Microwave mineral processing : A challenge in process intensification. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 55(2) (Non-SCI). pp. 141-148.

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This paper reviews the development of microwave applications in mineral processing includes fundamental thermal response of various minerals and metal oxides, influence of mineralogy on microwave assisted grinding, possibility of treating low grade and complex ores and also microwave treatment of coal. The study revealed that microwave heating has potential applications in mineral processing and extractive metallurgy for the commercial exploitation. However, many mineral processing applications have been tested only on a laboratory scale and the engineering realities of large-scale operations are yet to be fully realised and therefore, certain research are required in advancing the application of microwave energy in the mineral industry.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://eprints.nmlindia.org/6877
Uncontrolled Keywords:Microwave technology, Mineral processing, Grindability, Coal.
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:6877
Deposited On:10 Apr 2014 10:39
Last Modified:10 Apr 2014 10:39
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