Technological Interventions of Brassware Cluster at Moradabad by CSIR-NML

Mohanty, Ashok and Sahoo, K L (2012) Technological Interventions of Brassware Cluster at Moradabad by CSIR-NML. [Video]

[img]Video (AVI) (Brass cluster activities of CSIR-NML) - Other


The video narrates the technological interventions made by CSIR-NML for the brassware cluster of moradabad to improve the quality, productivity and quality of life of brass artisans. Two technologies were developed: energy efficient, less polluting coke furnace and anti-tatnishing lacquer to prevent tarnishing and maintain luster of brass handicrafts for long periods of several years.

Item Type:Video
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:lacquer, brass handicrafts, antitarnishing, furnace, fuel efficient
Divisions:Analytical Chemistry
ID Code:6559
Deposited By:Dr. A K Mohanty
Deposited On:19 Apr 2013 10:36
Last Modified:19 Apr 2013 10:36
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