Chlorobutyl elastomer-multiwalled carbon nanotube nanocomposites as effective barrier materials

Tiwari, S K and Choubey, Pankaj K and Mahapatra, S P (2012) Chlorobutyl elastomer-multiwalled carbon nanotube nanocomposites as effective barrier materials. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 54(4) . pp. 279-289.

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The field of polymer nanocomposite has attracted attention as a method of enhancing polymer properties and extending their utility by using molecular or nanoscale reinforcements rather than conventional particulate filled composites. These materials exhibit different behavior from conventional composite materials with micro scale structure due to small size of structural unit and high surface to volume ratio. The high aspect ratio of multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) layer is ideal for reinforcement. Chlorobutyl Elastomer nanocomposites were prepared using MWCNT as filler. These nanocomposites exhibit a threefold increase in tensile strength with MWCNT loadings. Moreover excellent barrier properties were offered by the nanocomposites, due to the presence of the well dispersed MWCNT platelets observed from scanning electron microscopy. The calculation of working times or break through times of the nanocomposite membranes makes them ideal for barrier materials as well as chemical protective clothing material. Moreover the enhanced mechanical, barrier, bound rubber content and diffusion characteristic of the nanocomposites make suitable candidates for advanced applications.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Nanocomposites, Elastomer, Carbon nanotube, mechanical properties, barrier properties.
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:6391
Deposited On:14 Feb 2013 11:06
Last Modified:26 Feb 2013 14:06
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