New Technique of High-Efficiency Concentration of Magnetite- Magnetic Field Screening Method

Ansheng, Feng and Huipeng, Yang and Quingyu, Lei and Anzhou, Yu (2006) New Technique of High-Efficiency Concentration of Magnetite- Magnetic Field Screening Method. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology and Indo-Korean Workshop on Resource Recycling (MPT-2006), March 8-10, 2006, NML, Chennai.



The magnetic field screening separator backing the patent technique of Magnetic Field Screening Method is a new invention based on Magnetic Flocculation Gravity-flow Concentrator which was rewarded gold medal by Internation-al knowledge Property Office. It has some evident advanta-ges towards the Magnetic Flocculation Gravity-flow Concen-trator. And it is obviously different from the traditional magnetic concentrator: It does not directly attract the magnetic iron,but to use the magnetic difference between the magnetic ore and the locked-middling grain ore in the special weak even magnetic field, magnetizes magnetite to chain substance selectively, and increases magnetite's setting velocity difference and size difference to the still diffused locked-middling grain, discharges gangue and locked particle efficiently by using "special screens" installed in magnetic field so that liberated magnetite flow into concentrate, thereby realizes magnetite's being separated efficiently. And the grade can be raised, more-over, grinding fineness requirement can be relaxed. Thus realize the increased production. its separating perfor-mance and effect is in the lead throughout the world And the result of industrial utilization in Miao Gou of Tang-shan steel company is that the processing ability of grinding mill was improved 10%,and simultaneously the iron ore concentrate grade jumped 1.7% according to the unchan-ged process.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:New Technique; traditional magnetic separator; grinding fineness
Divisions:Mineral Processing
ID Code:6288
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:20 Dec 2012 10:20
Last Modified:20 Dec 2012 10:20
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