Fracture and deformation behaviour of materials

Tudu, Mohan Kherual and Sivaprasad, S (2012) Fracture and deformation behaviour of materials. Training Report (TR). CSIR New Delhi, Jamshedpur. (Unpublished)

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The successful employment of metals in engineering applications relies on the ability of the metal to meet design and service requirements and to be fabricated to the proper dimensions. The capability of a metal to meet these requirements is determined by the mechanical and physical properties of the metal. Mechanical properties, the primary focus are described as the relationship between forces or stresses acting on a material and the resistance of the material to deformat-ion, strains and fracture. This deformation, however, may or may not be evident in the metal after the applied load is removed. Different types of tests, which use an applied force, are employed to measure properties, such as elastic modulus, yield strength, elastic and plastic deformation elongation, hardness, fatigue resistance, and fracture toughness.

Item Type:Project Reports (Training Report (TR))
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Fracture; deformation behaviour; experimental details; tensile; fatigue
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:6061
Deposited On:03 Jan 2013 10:52
Last Modified:17 Jul 2018 10:26
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