Development of the process for production of vanadium rich slag and low silicon pig iron from vanadium bearing titan-iferous magnetites of Masanikere at VISL, Bhadravati

Akerkar, D D (1983) Development of the process for production of vanadium rich slag and low silicon pig iron from vanadium bearing titan-iferous magnetites of Masanikere at VISL, Bhadravati. In: Proceedings of the Seminar on Problems and Prospects of Ferro-Alloy Industry in India, Oct. 24-26, 1983, NML, Jamshedpur.



The paper describes the smelting trials carried out for utilisation of vanadium bearing magnetites of Masanikere in collaborative efforts by NML and VISL. The trials were carried out in a 1500 KVA submerged arc furnace by smelt-ing vanadium bearing titaniferous magnetites with nut coke and lime stone as flux to produce vanadium bearing pig iron which was subsequently blown in a converter to obtain a vanadium rich slag and low silicon pig iron. The commercial feasibility of the process was established by carrying out smelting trials in 13.2 MVA furnace foll-owed by blowing the hot metal in 15 ton capacity converter.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
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Uncontrolled Keywords:vanadium rich slag; silicon pig iron; capacity converter; nut coke; lime stone
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:6026
Deposited On:13 Sep 2012 13:59
Last Modified:13 Sep 2012 13:59
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