Sintering characteristics of manganese ore fines from Balaghat and Ukwa mines of Manganese Ore (India) Limited

Gupta, P C and Kothari, S V and Subramanian, N A and Sane, R Y (1983) Sintering characteristics of manganese ore fines from Balaghat and Ukwa mines of Manganese Ore (India) Limited. In: Proceedings of the Seminar on Problems and Prospects of Ferro-Alloy Industry in India, Oct. 24-26, 1983, NML, Jamshedpur.



Indian manganese ore reserves are depleting very fast Manganese ore (India) Ltd. realised that utilisation of Manganese ore fines will pave the way for conservation of lumpy high grade manganese ore. Manganese ore fines generated at Balaghat and Ukwa mines of MOIL were subjected to sintering studies at the R&D Centre of Paramount Sinters Pvt. Ltd. The studies indicated that fluxed sinter with very good strength and porosity could be produced. The sinters showed a high degree of reduction and even metalization was noticed. The chemical and physical characteristics indicated that sinters can be used in ferro manganese furnaces. Advantages of using sinter in the ferro alloy manufacture has been highlighted in this report. The authors have conc-luded that from the point of view of conservation and reduction of manufacturing cost, sintering has a vital role to play in ferro alloy industries.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Sintering characteristics; manganese ore fines; vital role; metalization; ferro alloy industries
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:6014
Deposited On:11 Sep 2012 10:16
Last Modified:11 Sep 2012 10:16
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