Principles of Extractive Metallurgy

Das, Avimanyu and Singh, Ratnakar and Sahu, K K and Abhilash, and Goswami, N G (2008) Principles of Extractive Metallurgy. In: Training Course on Mineral Processing and Nonferrous Extractive Metallurgy, June 30 - July 5, 2008, Jamshedepur.



Extractive metallurgy as a discipline deals with the ext-raction of metals from naturally occurring and man made resources. Separation is the essence of metal extraction. Development of efficient separation schemes calls for a through understanding of extractive metallurgy principles in terms of physical chemistry (thermodynamics & kine-tics); materials and energy flow/balance, transport phenomena, reactor and reactor engineering, instrumen-tation and process control, and environment and waste management.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:pyrometallurgical; hydrometallurgical; electrometallurgical; base metals; precious metals
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:5894
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:16 Aug 2012 10:10
Last Modified:16 Aug 2012 10:10
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