Processing of Electronic Waste(E-Waste)

Sahu, K K and Agrawal, A (2008) Processing of Electronic Waste(E-Waste). In: Proceedings on Extraction of Nonferrous Metals and their Recycling - A Training Programme, Feb. 27-29th, 2008, NML, Jamshedpur.



Rapid growth of information and telecommunication techn-ology has penetrated nearly every aspect of modern life even in the most remote area of the developing countries. The advancement of the technology has led to rapid decrease in the product lifetime and generating large quantity of waste electronic equipment (e-waste). The rapid technological progress forced manufacturer for production of new units, which ultimately adds to the number of old electronic equipment destined for land fills/recycling. The typical life span of a computer in the advanced countries is about 2 years. As the old PC, mobile, laptop and other electronic equipments become obsolete, they are replaced by the new one and added to the quantity of e-waste. The consumer electronics is now the fastest growing sector of municipal solid waste in both developed and developing countries. The e-waste is a global concern today and it will have a far reaching adverse impact on the environment if not dealt with immediately.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Electronic waste; developing countries; electronic equipment; telecommunications
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:5850
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:25 Jul 2012 16:11
Last Modified:31 Jul 2012 10:09
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