Electrolytic Manganese & Manganese Dioxide from Low-grade Indian Ores

Banerjee, T (1957) Electrolytic Manganese & Manganese Dioxide from Low-grade Indian Ores. In: Symposium on Mineral Beneficiation and Extractive Metallurgical Techniques, Feb. 1957, NML, Jamshedpur.



The National Metallurgical Laboratory has developed a method of producing electrolytic manganese which can effectively deal with almost all kinds of low-grade manganese ores, securing 99.95% pure manganese metal. The authors discuss the method and contend that with low-grade ores having not more that 30`)., manganese, the cost of production of electrolytic manganese in India in a 10-ton-a-day plant is not likely to exceed Rs. 1,00(1 a ton. The work being done at the Laboratory to produce electrolytic battery- active manganese dioxide front low-grade Indian ores, is discussed separately; it is stated that laborat-ory- scale experiments have successfully been completed and a semi-pilot plant is under development.The production cost of electrolytic manganese dioxide is reckoned at about Rs. 600 per ton, allowing margin for various fact-ors; the price of the imported product is more than Rs. 1,000 per ton.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Official URL/DOI:http://eprints.nmlindia.org/5830
Uncontrolled Keywords:Electrolytic Manganese; Manganese Dioxide; Manganese ores; foreign exchange
Divisions:Mineral Processing
ID Code:5830
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:21 Jul 2012 17:40
Last Modified:21 Jul 2012 17:40
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