Corrosion Inhibitors, Coatings and Linings

Mahabal, B L and Patwardhan, A D (1971) Corrosion Inhibitors, Coatings and Linings. In: Proceeedings of Short Course on "Corrosion Control in Water and Waste Water Engineering", Feb. 24th-27th, 1971, NML, Jamshedpur.



Corrosion is a natural, generally unavoidable, harmful process affecting most of the metals, except a few noble ones. Corrosion processes are chemical reactions that take place at the surfaces of the metals. They are undesirable, as they decrease the utility of the metals, either by weakening the section or developing leaks, or by adversely affecting hydraulic carrying capacity.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Corrosion Inhibitors; Coatings; Linings; adversely affecting hydraulic
Divisions:Corrosion and Surface Engineering
ID Code:5820
Deposited On:18 Jul 2012 09:53
Last Modified:18 Jul 2012 09:53
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