Analysis of optimized sierpinski carpet (SC) fractal antenna and estimation of EMI

Kumari, Mamta and Prasad, J N (2008) Analysis of optimized sierpinski carpet (SC) fractal antenna and estimation of EMI. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 50 (4). pp. 235-243.

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An optimized sierpinski carpet fractal antenna with nine slots on broad wall of rectangular waveguide is subject matter of this paper. The EMI produced by centered slot of optimized SC fractal is estimated, using the moment method. The electric field in the slot is described using entire domain sinusoidal basis function. The electric field at the slot aperture is assumed to vary not only in a direction perpendicular to itself but also in a dire-ction parallel to it. The tangential component of magnetic field scattered inside and outside the waveguide region is determined and the continuity of the tangential components of the magnetic field at the plane of the slot aperture is enforced.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Sierpinski carpet; Fractal antenna
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:5105
Deposited By:Dr. A K Sahu
Deposited On:08 May 2012 11:49
Last Modified:08 May 2012 11:49
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