Effect of Flocculants on the Settling Rate of Electrolytic Manganese Metal Process Slurries

Sengupta , P L (1992) Effect of Flocculants on the Settling Rate of Electrolytic Manganese Metal Process Slurries. NML Technical Journal, 34 (3-4). pp. 23-28.

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The effects of six industrial flocculants in reducing the time for settling and filtration of slurries containing manganese sulphate and ammonium sulphate in solution along with gangue materials as well as ferric hydroxide and heavy metal sulphides in suspension, have been investig-ated. It is seen that the floccutants are e ffective to different extent under specific conditions of pH, degree of mixing and dosage employed.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://eprints.nmlindia.org/4970
Uncontrolled Keywords:Electrolytic manganese metal; ammoniun sulphate; ferro hydroxide
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:4970
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:27 Mar 2012 11:05
Last Modified:27 Mar 2012 11:05
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