Foreign Collaboration

Director, NML (1966) Foreign Collaboration. NML Technical Jounal, 8 (3). 3- .

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THE developing countries have to choose and accept not necessarily the best and most up-todate technology, but one that would fit in well with the overall pattern of their industrial growth and economic stature and be more suited to the background of their specific trends and consumer needs, fully supported by home skill and indigen-ous standards of technical proficiency. This maxim is, however, not generally followed in our country and there is often a great rush in getting the most up-to-date technical 'know-how' and equipment for the establishment and expansion of industries with the help of foreign collaboration. Such a tendency is greatly detrimental both in the economic field as well as in overlooking indi-genous skill and talent. While foreign collaboration may sometimes become essential it can be avoided in many cases.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Establishment; speciiic trends; tendency; developing countries
Divisions:Director Office
ID Code:4899
Deposited On:27 Feb 2012 16:18
Last Modified:07 Nov 2012 15:33
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