Influence of microstructural changes caused by ageing on wear behaviour of Al6061/SiC composites

Reddy, A and Kotiveerachari, B (2011) Influence of microstructural changes caused by ageing on wear behaviour of Al6061/SiC composites. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 53 (1). pp. 31-39.

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Al-based metal matrix composites are being used to manufacture various parts of automobiles. The automobile components undergo sliding as well as abrasive type of wear against the counter surface during operation. In order to understand this phenomenon, wear tests of the as-cast and aged-composites were carried out at different loads. The removal of the particles from the matrix will play a major role in enhancing wear. With the increase in hardness of the composite due to aging as well as the formation of the hard precipitates, the aged composite is expected to provide resistance against microcutting. The reason for formation of precipitates near the interface can be attributed to the high density of dislocations near the interface.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Metal matrix composites, Al-based particulate composites, Automobile component, Microstructure, Wear behaviour.
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:4753
Deposited On:10 Feb 2012 15:17
Last Modified:26 Dec 2012 10:53
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