Coal Preparation

Vanangamudi, M (1989) Coal Preparation. In: Third Short Term Refresher Course on Classification and Concentration, Dec. 10th - 17th December, 1989, Institute for Miners and Metal Workers Education, balaipanda, Puri.



The first principle of coal preparation is the deter-mination of the properties of the material to be treated. Information may be obtained by examination of bore cores; from seam exposure in the case of an operating or deve-loped mine; or by sampling the run-of-mine production. Details to be observed include full information on the constitution of the-coal; variations which may be antic-ipated from different-sections of the seam, the associated strata, both above and below the seam, cleat, the probable moisture content and the particle size range of the mined coal.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Lecture)
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Mined coal; muscovite; illite; calcite
Divisions:Mineral Processing
ID Code:4648
Deposited On:20 Jan 2012 10:30
Last Modified:20 Jan 2012 10:30
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