Application of Radiation Sources in Steel Industry in India

Patil, Pravin J and Devi, Kadambini and Rane, D M and Sen, Amit and Sonawane, A U and Hussein, S A (2011) Application of Radiation Sources in Steel Industry in India. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Non Destructive Evaluation for Steel and Allied Industries - NDESAI 2011, Dec. 2-3, 2011, SNTI Auditorium Jamshedpur, India.



The applications of ionizing radiation sources (radioisotope and X-ray)in India have registered the phenomenal growth for beneficial uses in medicine, ind-ustry, agriculture, research and training. In industry, there are different applications of radioisotopes viz. tracer studies, nucleonic control systems(NCS), i.e. nucleonic gauges; radiography for non-destructive testing(NDT) and radiation processing of food and health care products. With the obvious beneficial use of radiation sources, there is also concern about the likehood of harmful effects of radiation, which necissitates the eff-ecive regulatory control over radiation sources. The compr-ehensive regulatory programme has been estabilished in the country and the requirement of licence for handling of radiation sources in India is a statutory requirement as per Atomic Energy (Radiation Protection) Rule, 2004. The NCS find many non-destructive applications in steel industry, such as in situ determination of thickness of steel plate(s); measurement of density and determination of elemental composition of materials; level measurements; control of process material in closed containers i.e. mould level measurement; moisture content in blast fur-nace; analysis of ores and minerals. The type of radiation used includes gamma, X-rays, XRF and neutron sources with activity varying from several MBq to GBq. There are about 1500 number of NCS installed and operated in around 150 numbers of steel and allied industries all over the country. The NDT by radiation sources play important role in verifying integrity of steel structure. The radiation equipment (i.e. NCS and radiography device) with several built-in-saftey features and trained/certified operating staff ensures safe handling and use of radiation sources in industry. While handling of radiation sources, unusual occurrences do occur.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Radiation Sources; Steel Industry; medicine; industry
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:4619
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:17 Jan 2012 16:58
Last Modified:14 Nov 2014 12:44
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