Effect of different Variables on the Precipitate free Zones Adjacent to Grain Boundry Region in Conventionally Quenched and Aged AI-Zn-Mg Alloys

Chaudhuri, B and Das, P P (1968) Effect of different Variables on the Precipitate free Zones Adjacent to Grain Boundry Region in Conventionally Quenched and Aged AI-Zn-Mg Alloys. In: Symposium on Non-ferrous Metals Technology : Papers for presentation, 4th - 7th Dec.1968, National Metallurgical Laboratory (CSIR), Jamshedpur.



Agenardenaole aluminium alloys are noted for their high strength to weight ratio. Interest on the agehar-denable alloys based on the aluminium -zinc- magnesium system stems from the fact that they have the highest static strength of known aluminium alloys; a noticeable feature of this alloy is the "precipitate-free" zone formed adjacent to grain boundaries. Electron micro- scopic studies have shown that the stress-corrosion susceptibility and the lack of ductility of aged Al-Zn-Mg_alloys are normally associated with these soft precipitate - free zones adjacent to, grain boundaries. When the alloys are deformed, the precipitate-free zones serve as favourable sites for dislocation movement and this may lead to preferential 'flow in these regions and ultimately to intercrystalline failure.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Lecture)
Official URL/DOI:http://eprints.nmlindia.org/4450
Uncontrolled Keywords:Grain boundry; aluminium; zinc; magnesium
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:4450
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:21 Dec 2011 14:41
Last Modified:21 Dec 2011 14:41
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