Simulated Model Studies on the Beneficiation of Calcareous Phosphate Ore

Rastogi, M C and Das, B K L (1985) Simulated Model Studies on the Beneficiation of Calcareous Phosphate Ore. In: Proceedings of National Seminar on Mineral Processing and IX Annual Technical Convention of Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers, 11th & 12th March 1985, National Metallurgical Laboratory(CSIR) Jamshedpur.



The main sources of rock phosphate are located in Rajasthan, Mussoorie (U.P.), Singhbhum (Bihar), Purulia (W.B.) etc. Phosphate rocks generally occur as calcitic, siliceous and ferruginous in nature. Rajasthan and Muss-oorie rocks are calcareous (CaO 40-50%). Hence to enrich the phosphate in the rock from average 16-20% to above 30% P205 two possible alternatives to beneficiate this ore.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Hot quenching; attrition; Scrubbing; desliming
Divisions:Mineral Processing
ID Code:4409
Deposited On:14 Dec 2011 10:24
Last Modified:14 Dec 2011 10:24
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