A Review on Beneficiation Prospect of Some of the Graphite Deposits of Palamu District of Bihar

Pathak, P N and Ranganathan, M V and Chakraborti, D M (1985) A Review on Beneficiation Prospect of Some of the Graphite Deposits of Palamu District of Bihar. In: Proceedings of National Seminar on Mineral Processing and IX Annual Technical Convention of Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers, 11th & 12th March 1985, National Metallurgical Laboratory(CSIR) Jamshedpur.



Graphite constitutes one of the important minerals for the manufacture of special types of refractory materials. In nature it occurs both in crystalline as well as amorphous forms. It is reported to occur in almost every State of India. In Bihar economic deposits of graphite are confined to the district of Palamu only with some minor occurences in Monghyr and Ranchi districts. G.S.I has located some important workable deposits whose estimated total reserves amount to about 16 lakhs tonnes upto 20 meters depth. These depsits are poorer in grade but sometimes the fixed carbon content is of the order of 50% F.C. A few customary processing plants have also been put up by some private parties.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Official URL/DOI:http://eprints.nmlindia.org/4406
Uncontrolled Keywords:crystalline; graphite; iron oxides
Divisions:Mineral Processing
ID Code:4406
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:14 Dec 2011 10:24
Last Modified:14 Dec 2011 10:24
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