Studies to Improve the Flotation Recovery in the Benefi-ciation of a Complex mixed Sulphide-Oxide Ore from Malanjkhand, India

Pradip, and Singh, Ratnakar and Das, K K and Sankar, T A P and Sunil Kumar, T S and Narsimhan, D and Rao, N K (1991) Studies to Improve the Flotation Recovery in the Benefi-ciation of a Complex mixed Sulphide-Oxide Ore from Malanjkhand, India. Proceeding of XVI International Mineral Processing Congress . pp. 1-7.

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Effect of complex ore mineralogy on the flotation kinetics of a copper ore was investigated through extensive batch flotation testwork conducted on a mixed sulphide -oxide ore from Malanjkhand, India. Increase in xanthate dosage caused a significant improvement in the flotation kinetics of secondary sulphides but not of malachite . Sulphidization-flotation was observed to be most effective in the sulphide ion electrode potential( SIE) range of -500 to -600 mV. Alternatively, the flot-ation kinetics of oxidized minerals could also be enhanced using a xanthate -hydroxamate reagent combination.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Sulphidization-flotation; malachite; tarnished chalcopyritic
Divisions:Mineral Processing
ID Code:4168
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:27 Oct 2011 09:50
Last Modified:27 Oct 2011 09:50
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