Steel Melting in a Pilot Plant Shaft Furnace

Eyre, J W (1960) Steel Melting in a Pilot Plant Shaft Furnace. In: Symposium on Pilot Plant Shaft Furnace, 15-18/02/1960, Jamshedplur.



One of the present authors, in a paper to the Iron and Steel Institute in 1954 entitled "The Future of Steel Melting", re-introduced the idea of continuous counterflow steel melting. In this paper it was stated that a suitable counterflow furnace, in which the heat of the waste gases from a melt-ing chamber is used to preheat the charge in a counter current system, could attain thermal efficiencies of the order of 70%, compared with the maximum possible effic-iency of 50% for the existing open hearth furnace.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Lecture)
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Shaft furnace, Counterflow system, Melting chamber
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:3955
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:20 Sep 2011 11:45
Last Modified:02 Dec 2011 12:15
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