A Consumers Appreciation of the Symposium

Sundaracharlu, R (1958) A Consumers Appreciation of the Symposium. In: Symposium on Production, Properties and Applications of Alloy and special Steels, Feb. 1-4, 1956, NML, Jamshedpur.



I AM extremely grateful to Dr. B. R. Nijhawan for the opportunity given to me to speak to you today, It is indeed a great honour to me that I should be permitted to speak to this audience of specialists. But the only justification for this impudence of mine is that I have the privilege to be the metallurgist of it premier ind- ustry of this country - Praga Tools Corporation, Secun-derabad.During the last three days, I have had the rare opportunity to listen to able expositions of the problems of industry; of course, presented in theoretical and scientific fashion. As I sat listening to those papers, especially those applicable to the processing industry, our own problems came to my mind and my own ideas crys-tallized into shape and I now go back with the satis-faction that our conclusions have now got the official, research workers' stamp of authority.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Official URL/DOI:http://eprints.nmlindia.org/3678
Uncontrolled Keywords:Impudence, Machine tools, Foundry
Divisions:Director Office
ID Code:3678
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:01 Aug 2011 12:49
Last Modified:26 Dec 2011 14:57
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