Fireside Corrosion and Erosion Problems in Coal Based Power Plant

Khanna, A S (1995) Fireside Corrosion and Erosion Problems in Coal Based Power Plant. In: Proceedings of the National Workshop on Boiler Corrosion(NWBC-95), April 11-12, 1995, NML, Jamshedpur.



High temperature corrosion problems in coalloil based power plants are discussed. The main corrosion problems in power plants are the waterlsteam side corrosion of the inner wall tubes of the boiler and the oxidation/ sulphidation and hot corrosion of outer walls of hoiler tubes. The former is well understood and can he contro-lled by controlling the chemistry of the feed water, the fireside corrosion is, however, least understood and is a function of several variables, both operating and material. These are discussed in detail with some of the data from the failure of plants as a result of fireside corrosion and erosion.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Oxidation, Sulphidation, Boiler tubes
Divisions:Corrosion and Surface Engineering
ID Code:3552
Deposited On:21 Jul 2011 12:01
Last Modified:12 Dec 2011 15:25
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