Scope of Light Alloy Metallurgy in Armament Research

Roy, S N (1961) Scope of Light Alloy Metallurgy in Armament Research. In: Symposium on Light Metal Industry In India, Feb. 14-17, NML, Jamshedpur.



THE immediate aim of Defence Research in the field of armaments is to attain self-sufficiency by the estab-lishment of indigenous manufacture of all armament stores which are required by our Defence forces. This self-sufficiency must be achieved both in respect of the technique of manufacture which would be most sui- ted to the prevailing conditions in the country and in respect of the materials used in the manufacture of these stores. Although we have made an appreciable progress in the former since independence, we have yet to go a long way to achieve the latter goal of self-sufficiency in material. At present a good many items of the armament stores and various components thereof are made of materials (e.g. copper and its alloy)which are non-indigenous. It is, therefore, of utmost import-ance to us to concentrate our effort on finding appro-priate indigenously available substitutes for these strategic materials so that the efficiency of our armed forces is not affected if the supply of these materials from non-indigenous sources is cut off due to some cause or the other. Self-sufficiency in strategic mat-erials used in Defence production is also of vital imp-ortance in ensuring independence in the political field without any obligation to or pressure from any quarter. This can only he achieved by planned metallurgical res-earch aimed at finding appropriate substitutes for all non-indigenous materials and this is where the metall-urgists have to contribute their mite in finding it speedy and satisfactory solution to this vital problem.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Cartridge, guns
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:3217
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:08 Jul 2011 11:33
Last Modified:26 Dec 2011 14:04
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