On Slip Bands Obtained by Tension on Aluminium Specimens

Latiere, H J and Michaud, R (1961) On Slip Bands Obtained by Tension on Aluminium Specimens. In: Symposium on Light Metal Industry In India, Feb. 14-17, NML, Jamshedpur.



IN RECENT studies'- ' we have been able to reveal the fine structure of Slip hands : we could also, on the other hand, determine the influence of deformation hands and adjacent crystals on their structure. In the present paper our aim is to define the mutual relations existing bctwween micro-hardness and slip bands. We are also examining the influence exerted by dimensions of the specimen and state of initial perfection on the development of these slip hands during plastic deformation. To avoid any anibiguity, we are explaining below what we mean by the following phrases : "Kink band" : unhent zone consisting of two kink hands in opposite ends. "Kink band": in knee" zone of great curvature separating two unbent ,zones. "Deformation band" : kink band, kink hand in knee, secondary slip hand. "Slip line"' : intersection of the surface of the specimen and only one slip plane. "Slip band" ; grouping of parallel slip lines.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Official URL/DOI:http://eprints.nmlindia.org/3177
Uncontrolled Keywords:Plastic deformation, Crystals, Unbent zones
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:3177
Deposited On:06 Jul 2011 13:44
Last Modified:12 Dec 2011 17:36
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