Items where Division is "Director Office" and Year is 2010
Number of items: 5. CSIR, (2010) CSIR Technofest - 2010: Theme 12: Mining, Minerals & Materials. In: CSIR Technofest - 2010, 14-27 November, 2010, New Delhi. (Unpublished) Director, NML (2010) Director's Desk: 58th RC Meeting of CSIR-NML (English Version). NML, Jamshedpur. Director, NML (2010) NML Technology Handbook. National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur. Director, NML (2010) NML: Glimpses of Life and Times. In: NML Diamond Jubilee Celebrations, Nov 26-27, 2010, NML Jamshedpur, India. Srikanth, S (2010) CSIR-NML Diamond Jubilee Anniversary Celebrations. [Presentation Slide] (Unpublished) |