Phase-transformations in Mn-Al permanent-magnet alloys

Rao, Venkatesh and Pramanik, S and Tewari, C R and Singh, S R and Mohanty, O N (1989) Phase-transformations in Mn-Al permanent-magnet alloys. Journal of Materials Science, 24 (11). pp. 4088-4093.

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There has been considerable interest during the last few years in the study of manganese-aluminium alloys mainly because of the fact that these alloys exbihit permanent magnet proerties and unlike Alnicos, do not contain strate-gic materials such as nickel and cobalt.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:phase transformation; equiatomic range; electron microscopy
Divisions:Director Office
ID Code:5258
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:17 May 2012 18:24
Last Modified:12 Feb 2013 11:44
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