Studies on extraction of selenium and tellurium from copper electrolytic slimes by sublimation in vacuum

Singh, Narinder and Mathur, S B (1976) Studies on extraction of selenium and tellurium from copper electrolytic slimes by sublimation in vacuum. Phosphorus sulfur and silicon and the related elements, 1 (2-3). pp. 169-176.

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Anode slimes obtained from the electrolytic refining of copper contain selenium and tellurium in the form of selenides and tellurides of metals, e.g., copper and silver. The slimes were treated with sulfur under vacuum; selenides and tellurides decomposed to give selenium and tellurium in metallic form which condensed on a cooler zone. Various parameters studied were temperature, time, sulfur addition, briquetting pressure, and fineness of sulfur added. The X-ray diffraction studies carried out on treated and then on untreated slime proved the reaction of sulfur with selenide and telluride of copper to give copper sulfide, selenium, and tellurium. Sulfurization at around 475°C for 60 min gives optimum recoveries.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:extraction of selenium and tellurium; sublimation in vacuum
Divisions:Director Office
ID Code:5149
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:11 May 2012 12:24
Last Modified:21 Jul 2012 17:39
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