Welcome to the Delegates

Director, NML (1966) Welcome to the Delegates. NML Technical Journal, 8 (1). 3- .

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IN the wake of depleting mineral reserves and their shortages and in certain cases, in the almost total absence of some, researches and applied technological efforts are continuously directed towards mineral conse-rvation on the one hand and making the maximum optimum use of available resources on the other hand. In doing so, unconventional uses have to be made of different metals and their alloys through judicious development of "substitute" ferrous and non-ferrous families of alloy compositions. During the last World War, consi-derable strides were made in different countries to develop substitute alloys, such as the low tungsten high speed steels, substitute En series of alloy steels with much lower alloy contents etc. Some of these substitute alloys have come to stay whilst others are being upgraded in relation to stringent properties' requirements for rigid service characteristics. In the field of alloy, tool, special and stainless steels, the growth of subs-titute alloy steels has been outstanding whilst search and research are being ceaselessly made to formulate still better and superior substitute alloy compositions.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://eprints.nmlindia.org/4895
Uncontrolled Keywords:Depleting mineral; technological efforts; substitute alloys
Divisions:Director Office
ID Code:4895
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:27 Feb 2012 16:17
Last Modified:27 Feb 2012 16:17
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