Rao , Y K (1973) Recent Developments in the Kinetics and Mechanism of the Direct Reduction of Hematite with Solid Carbon. In: Symposium on Science and Technology of Sponge Iron and Its Conversion to Steel, Feb. 19-21, 1973, CSIR - National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur.
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The rate of reaction of hematite fines m) with carbon particles was investigated in the temperature range 850°C to 1087°C. The experimental method consisted of deter-mining the weight loss sustained by a sample of the mixt-ure when maintained at constant temperature under argon atmosphere.The respective effects of carbon particle size, the hematite to carbon proportion in the mixture and the addition of catalytic reagents were investigated. The reaction occurs by a two-stage mechanistic scheme consi-sting of (a) reduction of iron oxides by carbon monoxide and (b) oxidation of carbon by carbon dioxide, in other words, carbon passes through the intermediate stage of carbon monoxide of rmation prior to reacting with iron oxides. A chemical kinetic model developed on the basis of carbon solutionloss reaction, viz., stage (b), as rate-controlling represented the results reasonably well. Lithium oxide catalyst was found to enhance the rate of reaction; the addition of ferrous sulfide inhibited the reaction. These observations are consistent with the proposed mechanism because the carbon solution-loss reaction is known to be promoted by alkali metal salts and inhibited by sulfur-bearing compounds
Item Type: | Conference or Workshop Item (Paper) |
Official URL/DOI: | http://eprints.nmlindia.org/4558 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Hematite; Solid carbon; hematite fines |
Divisions: | Metal Extraction and Forming |
ID Code: | 4558 |
Deposited By: | Sahu A K |
Deposited On: | 10 Jan 2012 15:50 |
Last Modified: | 10 Jan 2012 15:50 |
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