Adsorption Of Oleate On Fluorite Surface As Revealed By Atomic Force Microscopy

Chennakesavulu, K and Bhaskar Raju, G and Prabhakar, S and Nair, C M and Murthy, K V G K (2009) Adsorption Of Oleate On Fluorite Surface As Revealed By Atomic Force Microscopy. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 90 (1-4). pp. 101-104.

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The adsorption of oleic acid/oleate on fluorite surface Could be Visualized using tapping mode of atomic force microscopy (AFM). The natural fluorite crystals were equilibrated with 10(-3) to 10(-7) M oleate solutions and their AFM images at each concentration along with height profiles were recorded. Even at low oleate concentration of 1 x 10(-7) M, concomitant monolayer and bilayer structures were observed. It suggests that normal-normal bonding of hydrocarbon chains takes place before the surface is completely covered by the monolayer. Multi-layer adsorption of oleate was observed at oleate concentrations of above 10(-4) M. The tapping mode AFM can be utilized to visualize the topography of surfaces adsorbed with surfactant Molecules. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Fluorite; Sodium oleate; Atomic force microscopy; Topography; Adsorption
Divisions:NML Chennai
ID Code:3185
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:06 Jul 2011 14:06
Last Modified:28 Jun 2012 12:17
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