Alternate Reductants to Charcoal for the Production of Standard Grade Ferro-Silicon

Vaish, A K and Ganguly, R G and Mathur, S B (1997) Alternate Reductants to Charcoal for the Production of Standard Grade Ferro-Silicon. In: Proceedings of the National Workshop on Ferro Alloy Industries in the Liberalised Economy. NML, Jamshedpur, India, Jamshedpur, pp. 59-65. ISBN 81-87053-27-5

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It has been the earlier practice to use charcoal as sole reductant for the production of standard grade ferro silicon. But these days the availabilityof charcoal is diminishing in an ecology conscious society. In view of this fact National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur has developed different proportions of reductants in the charge mix to replace charcoal.

Item Type:Book or NML Publication
Uncontrolled Keywords:Reductants, Ferro silicon, Production, Charge mix
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:2745
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:09 Apr 2011 20:36
Last Modified:09 Apr 2011 20:36
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