Aragonite precipitated calcium carbonate : A new kind of functional filler

Thriveni, Thenepalli and Ryu, Miyoung and Kim, Hwan and Han, GI-Chun and Ahn, Ji-Whan (2010) Aragonite precipitated calcium carbonate : A new kind of functional filler. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 52 (4). pp. 279-303.

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This article ascribes an exclusive overview of the synthesized aragonite precipitated calcium carbonate and its applications in various fields. Special attention is given on aragonite pcc is a new kind of functional filler in the paper industry and automotive industry. Now a days, aragonite pcc synthesis is the most exciting and important industrial application process. Aragonite pcc is an interesting and attractive mineral for its unique characteristic features and enhances the preselected properties of paper like opacity, density and brightness etc. The new rising acicular type of aragonite pcc mineral, in particular is being used as filler for polyolefin resins and polypropylene composites which are significantly used in automobile industry to manufacture light weight vehicles.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Precipitated calcium carbonate, Needle-like aragonite pcc, Carbonation, Solution process, Functional filler, Polypropylene composite
Divisions:Mineral Processing
ID Code:2579
Deposited By:Dr. A K Sahu
Deposited On:15 Mar 2011 10:38
Last Modified:14 May 2013 10:13
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