High speed continuous casting of steel - A technological challenge in India

Das, Suchandan K and Godiwalla, K M (2000) High speed continuous casting of steel - A technological challenge in India. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science., 42 (2). pp. 81-92.

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After Qxygen steel-making, continuous casting (CC) is undoubtedly the most important technological advance in the metallurgical frontier, specifically for the steel industry during the post-war period. Although there are many differences of details, the general engineering design principles of continuous casting machines are reasonably well understood. It is clear that, to enhance the productivity of CC process by increasing the casting speed; a large number of technological problems involving mould lubrication, fluid flow, meniscus stability. mould oscillation. mould flux entrapment, heat and mass transfer, and solidification are required to be solved at the mould level. The trend in India, of late has been to increase the productivity through increase in the average casting speeds for slabs from approximately 1.0 metre/min to over 1.5 metre/min. This has been a technological challenge in this new millennium. Increase in casting speed, however, may in all likelihood aggravate problems of product quality. This encompasses effect of mould flux on heat transfer. Characterization of mould powder for high speed casting, thermal and lubrication behaviour of the mould under high speed casting conditions. dynamic melt flow behaviour and wave generation in the mould with increased casting speed, effects of SEN (Submerged Entry Nozzle) design on melt flow characteristics. mcnisclls level fluctuation and Electromagnetic control for meniscus stability.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://library.nmlindia.org/articleDetails.jsp?rec...
Uncontrolled Keywords:Dryingh behaviour ; Alumina gel ; Alumina bonding ; Continuous casting
Divisions:Director Office
ID Code:1474
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:16 Aug 2010 09:23
Last Modified:23 Apr 2012 14:16
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