Influence of SiC reinforcement on the abrasive wear response of an Al-Cu alloy under conditions of varying abrasive size and applied load

Prasad, B K and Venkateswarlu, K and Das, S and Jha, A K and Dasgupta, R (1997) Influence of SiC reinforcement on the abrasive wear response of an Al-Cu alloy under conditions of varying abrasive size and applied load. Material Science letters, 16 . pp. 1113-1115.

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Aluminium-copper alloys fall into the category of aluminium-based alloys which attain high strengths and are used in a variety of engineering applications [1]. In many such applications, elevated temperature properties are also required [2]. Dispersion of hard dispersoid phases in aluminium-based alloys has been one of the most successful measures to attain this goal. The available information indicates that the presence of the (hard) dispersoid second phase particles (SPPs) has wide potential significantly to improve the abrasion resistance of aluminium alloy matrix composites [3–6]. Thus, the aluminium copper alloy=hard particle composites can also be used for abrasion resistant applications provided their behaviour in such conditions is known. The latter is also important as the abrasion resistance of materials is greatly influenced by factors such as applied load, abrasive size etc.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Alumnium, silicon, wear
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:1303
Deposited On:26 Jul 2010 10:24
Last Modified:26 Feb 2014 17:57
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